
A civilization of human that was at the brink of extinction , a secret government sorted ways to escape the earth in search of the planet unopia, a group of worthy individuals where chosing to go on this mission, on arrival on the planet what they saw was not what they expected,
as they almost lost their life's but luckily saved themselves, thinking they where the only being in the universe.
But encountered an enemy that threatened the balance on not just the Galaxy but reality itself, now these powerless humans with limited less advanced technology must find a way to stop the dark one
But interestingly the dark one was the ships captain..
And in other to defeat the captain they have to travel to the past where it all started, journeying through realities until they got to the end of not just the universe but time itself, a place named. (THE BEGINNING OF THE END)
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CHAPTER 13.....Engage mechanical (mechanical is an analogue piloting style that involves them using the steering and controlling the ship manually).But captain we can't pilot mechanical , only Derek can pilot mechanical and he is dead you know that , and it's dangerous as we are about to make a jump , skiln laid out his frustration.Captain they opened fire , what do we do?? Captain the portal is not stable , we can't pass through yet , what do we doCaptain!! !!!!! Zain was in deep thoughts as the whole crew were displaced with confusion ,Calm down everyone!!!!!!!!!! Zain yelled from his sit in the middle , we have escaped Sinclair is it his bots that we can't escape? Activate protocol 2100! Zain said..What captain!! .... Just engage zain yelled , cutting shila short .Roger that!! , an unintroduced crew member said and kissed his Jesus statue necklace.Engaging 2100 , prepare for covering fire , a long (about 3.6 meters barrel gun) laser gun rolled out from the tail of the
Last Updated: 2024-10-09
Narrator speaking: sorry my honourable readers I lost my laptop that I use for writing , so I stopped writing for sometimes now but am back now and I will include a bonus chapter (2 chapters in one) in the next chapter .............How do we know where xea is ? Zain asked with a sigh , I don't know but let's try and get close to one another. Am going to break the bounds alen said breathing in and out in a style that shows he is gathering strength.TsssssssssssssssssssissssssissssssisssThat was the sound of the bounds breaking... Alright let's go skiln , shila and alen go down the part Sinclair disappeared to , while me lyna and others will go this other way... Roger that sir , that was the corresponding reply the whole crew gave immediately he finished speaking.I know this is less important but sir what of our ship sir what has happened to it , lyna asked.I don't know lyna but I have a feeling either he hid it or it is still somewhere out there but we have a mission objective,
Last Updated: 2024-09-18
Chapter: CHAPTER 11
CAPTIVES OF THE MIGHTY 2.........................Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!Zain shouted as he woke up from his sleep, "oh my God it's a dream " he said panting and sweating like one who ran a 200 meters race .What is this oh my God , I never wanted wanted this , I never wanted this (inner conscience: if you never wanted this then you could have stayed behind and died with the rest of humanity on earth, is that what you want?? You are humanity's last hope , you and your crew , there is no better man for this job except you, they believe in you, your whole crew even those you are fighting for , so for no reason should you give up ....)Aaah oh God help me , he said as he knelt down and prayed, then checked his time and it was 0.600am , he came out his dorm to do the normal business men usually do in the morning and headed over to the coffee maker for a cup of coffee.Good morning captain, do you want to review system logs and resume command, the ship's AI said."Nope not yet keep us o
Last Updated: 2024-07-05
Chapter: CHAPTER 10
CHAPTER 10 Captives Of The Mighty At 0.600am Zain came out of his after being woken up by his alarm, he went to the bathroom to do the normal morning business for men. (he pissed and brushed his teeth then took a dump) After Wich he washed his hands and took a shower, then headed to the coffee maker for a cup of it, Good morning captain; the ship's AI greated him ,(would you like to check the system logs and take over control ) it proceeded to ask Zain further questions, but was cut mid way when he said not yet, and went to the discussion room and sat alone at the table . "Good morning captain what's the matter, why are you here all alone and why are you still..... Am fine alen" zain said"why don't you go and take control of the ship we are en route to xea's location the course is already set just navigate only " aye captain , Alen replied and immediately he turned his back to leave zain called him "alen wait what the hell are you wearing don't wear that to the cockpit
Last Updated: 2024-07-01
CHAPTER 9Oh no he spotted us , alen said "we have to get out of here imagine he strikes one of those his..... " Fire up the engine for hyper speed, the captain cut Shila short"Alen we need you create a worm hole now " the captain said while punching some buttons on the computer himself, "sir we don't have a direction I don't know where to take us "Don't worry I have, take us to where xea headed , we are escaping to stop him that's the new mission.Alright zion crew get ready for lunch...."captain he is already 8 meters and closing in" alright keep an eye on him , give me full power, Shila!! .Alen get those portals ready .....sir 600meters , "in 5.....4....3...." 300meters , 2.....1!! Now alen ,A lightning started tearing around the ship trembling it and dark clouds engulfed the whole ship, before x-sinclair could speed up to them they were already gone .........Is everyone alright?? , the captain asked."Aye captain we are clear " good , but that was close, "where is this xea
Last Updated: 2024-05-23
These creatures took us to a particular building where it looked like it was thier headquarters, ..."no matter what they say do not reply, let me do the talking and if we are lucky we get out of this unnecessary obstacle we found ourselves in" I was cut short from my imagination by alen who murmured the words to me.They locked us up in a cage Wich looked like it was casted with only rocks throughout and had only one small 4 by 2 window and a door.. "f**k!!!!!!, what kind of unnecessary mess up is this" Lyna cursed, honestly the situation was now looking somehow frustrating."Maybe we can just breakout, I can get us out of this cell but what of our ride , I don't know the part of the building where they must have taken it " alen said suddenly like as if an idea popped into his head.It is a great idea, if you leave me here thinking I won't even know how to get myself out of here .I said with a bit relief "how do you intend on doing that" Shila asked, "do you still ask?? A dude that t
Last Updated: 2024-05-23
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