Ch. 61 - Home

Gray clouds covered the entire Rosenbaum kingdom. Sudden gusts of wind left a chilly feeling in the bones. People walking around hugged their clothes tightly to keep warm.

Because mountains surrounded the kingdom, rain clouds had a hard time escaping. The frozen peaks provided an ideal environment for them to charge and respond with a day of rain, snow, and more times than often, hail.

Even if the blazing days of summer scorched the entire world, the Rosenbaum kingdom appeared favored by the climate. Their winters‌ breezed through relentlessly.

For most people in the Rosenbaum kingdom, such weather wasn’t anything special. Just another part of their life. For those living in the slums, however, it was an entirely different story.

One more thing they had to fight against to survive. The roads flooded and roofs caved in. Sickness ate through those who couldn’t afford a trip to the doctor. Each year, the population in the slums lessened and made room for more to live there.

A cycle
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