Aside from Annabelle, Anthony could sense the hostility oozing from everyone else and all the alarms in his head were going off. What could they want?

"Look at that, the dog has returned! Sadly, Officer Wilson and his partner will be taking you back to jail, a cage where animals like you truly belong!" Patience standing in front of the other family members spoke.

"What are you talking about? You know what, I don't have time for thi—" Anthony was extremely tired so he waved Patience and the rest of the family goodbye, wanting to walk away when…

"You're not going anywhere you scumbag! You remember this?" Officer Wilson stepped forward, blocking Anthony's path to his room and then he pushed something small and shiny towards him.

"A woman's necklace? Of course I don't remember that, why should ?!" Looking annoyed Anthony answered.

"This was found in your room and we all know you can't afford something this luxurious. The real owner is right here, Carla Maple!" Officer Wilson said, provoking Anthony to flick his eyes towards Carla.

"Admit it, you stole her necklace and tried to sell it!" Officer Wilson dangled the emerald necklace in front of everyone, making Anthony look at it.

"What? And why would I need to sell a necklace? Is your uniform buttoned too tight that your brain isn't receiving enough oxygen or what?" Anthony was getting annoyed.

"Why you! Watch your mouth when talking to my boss, you pig!" Wilson's partner interjected. Although they are supposed to be partners, he seemed to hold Wilson in much higher esteem for some reason.

"It's okay Greg, the trash has been caught and is just trying to deny but there's no use," Officer Wilson said, looking mischievously into Anthony's annoyed pupils then turned around to the rest of the family 

"Carla, since it's your necklace why don't you reveal to the garbage the fact that we all know his dirty secret" Officer Wilson suggested.

"??" Anthony was shocked, thinking that the family had found out about the secret past he was trying to hide and bury from them. His heart started to beat faster. This was the worse possible thing.

Anthony glared at Carla who stepped two paces forward and stood behind Patience.

After Patience, Carla was the one he hates the most because she was the one they used to try and accuse him of rape, and so seeing her left a sour taste in his mouth.

"I overheard Anthony speaking with Grandfather about needing money for a friend's daughter who's in the hospital. Before then, he must have stolen my necklace because he also told Grandfather that he had found a way to get some money for a portion of the payment and we all know there's no way someone like him can have any money to do anything…"

"Suspicious of him, Julius and I checked his room which was where we found my necklace, hidden so that no one could find it"

"WHAT!? That doesn't even make any sense! Grandfather promised to give me all the money I need after the party so why would I steal your necklace?! Officer Wilson, this is all a lie—" suddenly, Anthony's eyes fidgeted 

During his speech to defend himself, it was obvious by the smirks they all had that something wasn't right so he started peering above their heads and then he understood. They were lying through their teeth.

"You all know that I'm innocent but still planned to frame me for something I didn't do, again! And you too Wilson, you're also a part of their plan!" Anthony gritted his teeth angrily, eyebrows furious, fists clenched in rage.

"Why would anyone from such a distinguished family and two officers of the law lie about a waste of space like you, huh? You've been caught red-handed and now it's time to face your punishment" Officer Wilson handed the necklace to Greg.

At the moment, seeing Officer Wilson walking towards him, something deep within Anthony broke from all the built-up rage he had had no other choice but to contain.

This has been the most ruthless the Maple family has ever been towards him and it was because Grey Maple is no longer there to protect him.

"What did I ever do to you people to deserve getting all your shit, what's my offense? Tell me!" Anthony cried out. For the first time since he came to the Maple family mansion, he had been brought to his limits.

"Your offense, you ask? Your offense is that you were born and you dared to think that you could come into my family as you belong. Well, I have bad news for you, I won't allow that to happen, over my dead body!" Patience replied, arms folded and having no remorse for what they were all doing.

Anthony couldn't believe that they hated him this much to go this far. All he could see was evil standing in front of him.

He mumbled "Why am I just realizing that these are really bad people, all of them and bad people should be PUNISHED" Anthony's aura was stained black, his heartbeat doubled, eyes red with veins popping out on them, and finally…


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