Who's the real impostor?

“Sixto!” I just woke up to Zero's voice when he called me as he shook me on the shoulder. “Sixto, are you okay?” He added, but I didn't respond to him right away because I immediately looked around and realized that everything was just a dream. It was only then that I took a deep breath and calmed down because I was just dreaming.

I looked at Zero with a trace of concern on his face, but he seemed to want to tell me something.

“What's the problem?” I asked him. He bowed down and sighed first before he looked at me again.

“Kiko,” he just said, and he didn't continue what he was saying. I got up and approached Kaiser and Simon where they were standing outside the bathroom. Then I was shocked when I saw Kiko in the bathroom bathed in his own blood and stabbed all over his body. I was about to approach him, but Kaiser grabbed my arm, so I was stunned and turned to him.

“He is dead.” He said with a trace of sadness on his face. I looked at Simon, but he averted his eyes from me and turned
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