After twenty minutes, Jim is covered in blood, his shirt looks torn in many places and he looks like he has been in a train wreck.

Duke has a new fear/respect for Mister Joseph because, for all he has known, Melody's father has been the quiet type.

Now that he has seen the Beasty part of him come out and torment Jim, he is impressed. They need this kind of heartless man to handle the army enemies sometimes.

Jim is breathing heavily as he spits out blood from his mouth.

Mister Jimmy is sitting in a corner and he doesn't say anything since Mister Joseph has refused to listen to him.

" Where is my daughter?" Mister Joseph asks.

" I don't know. " He cries. " I swear on my life that I don't know. "

" And you are going to lose your life because of that, Jim. " Mister Joseph threatens. " I intend to take out your teeth if you don't tell me where she is."

" I was hit in the face with the butt of a gun because I chose to help her, you can ask the witnesses. "

" Or it's just a poor scheme
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