Chapter 62: CEO Nelson.

I paused and thought about what he said for a moment.

There was a possibility that what he was saying was true but it was a risk I was willing to take.

After all I have been through in the hands of these selfish people I can't just just let them off easily. It won't sit well with me.

"It doesn't matter if the evidence is true or not but I am sure and I trust the source. Besides, I want to be business partners with him as well." I replied.

I don't understand why Oliver was this bothered.

My guards were the ones that carried out the investigation. I just asked him to give me a number to call.

I just think he doesn't want me to get involved with this man, how bad is this man that Oliver wants to stay away from him?

"Suit yourself, you are going on Monday right?" Oliver asked.

"Of course I want to strike at a steady pace and not give them any room." I replied.

"Fine bye." He hung up and sent me what I asked him for.

The weekend passed by quickly and it came to the D'Day.

CEO Nelson had al
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