OOPS! who is the girl?

Ken wanted to slump into a heap or worse still run out like a weakling but there was no time to chicken out. If he must leave, he would depart after putting up a good confrontation. He had sworn to fight for his Miranda after all.

Now, Miranda was mocking him before her latest lover. She gives no damn about his admission to Harvard and she just told him that he would never earn a million dollars in his life. Hearing that comment from Miranda intensified the rate at which his heart was shredding into parts. 

What happened to the soft-spoken girl he fell madly in love with? Where was the girl who loved every damn thing about him? What happened to the love of his life? For how long had she been together with Charlie? Was she brainwashed? Dozens of thoughts kept running through his mind until Charlie brought him back to consciousness by striking his palms against each other, creating applause.

"Get your broke ass out of this room. Miranda and I have work to do." Charlie spat.

Miranda placed her hands on Charlie's shoulder and gave him a peck on the right cheek. "Lots of work to do baby" she replied with a twinkle in her eyes.

Ken was completely shattered. First, Miranda broke his heart in an instant then she hurled insults at him, disparaged his status, and now she was flirting right there in his presence? The manner with which she was speaking to him and the way she was carrying herself proved that she had no ounce of feeling left for him. Indeed, she was finished with him.

In a fit of rage, Ken charged toward Charlie with a hardened face and clenched fists but again, Miranda stood in his way.

"Let me through!" he yelled at her face with bloodshot eyes.

"What are you doing Ken? You are no match for Charlie. He is going to kill you." she cried out.

Now she's suddenly worried about him? "Kill me? Miranda, I died the moment I walked through that door and saw you both kissing." Ken retorted.

Charlie began rolling up his sleeves. "Let the boy come to papa."

Mirada looked into Ken's eyes and blurted. "Just leave us alone."

Ken felt that he had taken enough. He was about to push Miranda to the side and take on Charlie with a punch when a loud horn came. The trio turned around and looked through the door. A limousine was parked by the lawn, a few meters away from Charlie's car. They were so engrossed in their deed that they didn't notice the moment the car pulled over. 

Miranda and Charlie exchanged confused glances. They were expecting no one and Ken was more confused than they were.

The front door of the car was opened and a girl's smooth legs hit the floor. Her feet were enclosed in a glossy red heel. Miranda and Charlie moved closer, beside Ken to get a proper glance at the stranger.

The girl stepped out and slammed the door. She flipped her straight black hair and brushed her well-manicured hands on the limo. She was dressed in a black sleeveless gown that hugged her tightly, doing justice to her curves. She pressed her purse against her tummy and began taking graceful steps toward the trio, swaying her hips rhythmically.

She was striding into the room with a smile and everyone caught her blue eyes. The moment she stepped into the room, her vanilla fragrance took charge of the atmosphere. She stood beside Ken with a bright smile, laying her perfect set of teeth on display.

"Who are you...what are you doing in my room?" Miranda managed to ask, her hazel eyes hovering around the girl's Hermes purse. The girl looked a bit older than her.

The girl slid her hand into Ken's and flashed another glorious smile. He responded with a grin.

"I'm Ken's girlfriend."

Miranda's jaw dropped. "Girlfriend?" She giggled and turned to Charlie. "Did you hear her, she's claiming to be Ken's girlfriend." 

The girl extended her right palm to Miranda, demanding a handshake. "I'm Cassie and thank you so much."

Miranda's gaze fell on her polished nails. "Are you kidding me? You just walked into my apartment claiming to be Ken's girlfriend and now you are thanking me?"

Ken moved away and isolated himself in the corner by the right. His eyes were fixed on the white ceiling and he kept tapping his left thigh slightly.

Charlie intervened. He moved closer to the girl and was almost lost in her deep blue eyes. "Excuse me, young lady. Where the hell did you come from?"

"You must be Miranda's new guy?" Cassie replied and presented her hand to him. "Thank you for taking Miranda out of Ken's life. Now, I can finally build a relationship with him."

Miranda gave Charlie a soft push and faced the girl. "What are you talking about?"

Cassie smiled and grabbed the stool Charlie was occupying earlier. She sat and crossed her legs, her golden bangles slinging. She placed her bag on her lap.

"Seems like I'll have to take you guys down memory lane," she commented and cleared her throat loudly.

Ken was still in his corner.

"I've known Ken all my life." she began and flipped her glittering hair. "We grew up together and I've been in love with him but never realized it until a few months ago."

"What?" Miranda interrupted with a scream. Charlie and Ken were both silents.

"Let me finish." Cassie countered with a soft smile.

"I've been looking for him all this while until I finally learned that he was rounding up high school in this city. I graduated from high school last week and decided to drop into the city to find my love and when I drove to his apartment this morning, I saw him getting into a cab so I followed him down here." Cassie explained.

Miranda's face was covered with a shocking expression. She palmed her forehead and began to pace.

"So...so you are saying you've been here from the moment he walked in?" Charlie asked.

Cassie agreed with a nod. "I was here from the moment this whole drama commenced. I was in the car. You guys were screaming so it was easy to hear the entire conversation."

Charlie directed his finger to the car outside. "That limo...you...You own it?"

Cassie stood up with a smile. "I do."

Mirada instantly stopped pacing.

"I heard you saying Ken was never going to earn 1 million in his life?" Cassie said and quirked her brow. She then turned to face the door. "That car costs 50 million and....." she turned to Mirada. "If his new girlfriend can afford that kind of vehicle then where does a million stand in Ken's life? I mean, my fortune will now be his."

"What's your name again? I didn't get that part while I was still in the car."

"Charlie. I'm Charlie," he said softly.

She presented her hand to him and he shook her with a fake grin. "Thank you so much for finding Miranda. She was never meant to be with Ken and I know he is starting to understand that now," said Cassie.

Charlie nodded like a dumb sheep. Cassie carefully shoved him to the side and marched toward Miranda who was drowning in the pool of turmoil.

"Miranda!" Cassie called out and when Miranda lifted her head, Cassie was smiling at her with open hands. Before Miranda could blink, Cassie immersed her in an embrace and began rubbing her back tenderly.

"Thank you so much for breaking up with Ken. You don't know what that means you me." Cassie said and broke away from the embrace.

She walked up to Ken and slipped her hand into his. "Let's go my love. We have a future to create."

Ken nodded and wrapped his hand around Cassie's waist. They marched out of the room.

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