At your Convenience

At that moment it was clear how important Velma was to him

Was she his only family? Were they orphans?

Like him perhaps.

Strangely, he felt some sympathy for Cayden in that instance.

But it was short-lived because Cayden was walking up to him again, fury on his face. "You always find a way to end up ruining my life don't you?"

Rose left where she stood and hurried towards them, then she shoved Cayden before he could approach Nathan any further.

Her action surprised Nathan, and Cayden as well, who looked confused, and her expression was stern. "That's enough Cayden. god. Don't you even know when to stop?"

Cayden glanced between Nathan and her, seeming to analyze the situation, then gave a smug smile. "Glad to see you guys have kick-started things. Nice turn of events if you ask me" then he scoffed. "We'll be seeing later pal" He patted Nathan roughly on the back, just as he had done the previous time, then he headed for the cafeteria door, his gang trailing behind him.

But someone
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