Secretly The Billionaire Boss

293 ratings

Secretly The Billionaire Boss

By: Debbie chocolate CompletedUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 592 views: 1.6M

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🏆King of Urban and No.1 ‘Leading Star’ of ‘The Legendary Urban Man’ Contest🏆 Grey, a delivery man who was treated like trash by everyone, betrayed by his girlfriend, fired by his boss. Just at the time he was desperate to death, an old man told him his real identity. Now, he's no longer the useless trash, he is called Hercules, king of the world!

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  • SSThea


    Today 29 May 2024. The book have 1,500,500 views which mean 1.5 millions of views. Wow

    2024-05-29 07:31:17
  • Ayanda Dimakatso Dineo Mahlangu


    Team Novia and Grey

    2024-03-15 16:59:47
  • Nhlanhla Mngomane


    after 572 what's next

    2024-03-05 20:24:13
  • Oluwatosin Olamide Adesola


    Interesting story

    2024-02-23 14:57:01
  • Cici Aremanita


    Cool Bro, let's also visit the Reincarnation of the Warrior, Thanks.

    2024-02-21 22:48:37
  • RS Ghatak


    Brilliant. I'm loving this book. I already love Mafia stories & adding secret heir to the mix is just fantastic ...

    2023-12-07 11:31:59
  • Chocokaran67


    Enjoying the book, but episode 570 is incorrect and there hasn’t been an update in a while. Author please release new content soon.

    2023-11-25 05:42:47
  • Harshit P


    what becomes of avery and grey do they come together again?? can someone tell me?

    2023-10-23 21:04:10
  • Nathanael Claytor


    Don't read this book. A month of no updates and Zero communication from author...

    2023-10-09 19:44:27
  • Pendleton Jones


    I love the story but it’s been over 2weeks since any updates. Please update

    2023-10-07 08:28:03
  • lucky imiete


    it's nice and it's interesting but please follow novelists I'm new here and don't have any reviews in my post please can you guys do me a favour and please check.out my stories and if it's nice please follow me.for.more

    2023-09-24 07:22:15


    It is locked from chapter 14, Please do us a favour to open and unlock more chapters. Thanks

    2023-07-22 16:52:57
  • Gabriel Kumassah


    quite an interesting novel

    2023-07-21 04:42:15
  • Obediah Williams


    I'm enjoying this novel

    2023-07-10 22:08:24


    I love novel

    2023-07-08 04:38:11
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592 chapters
Chapter 1: What life throws
The blaring of music from the house was the only evidence that Grey needed to know that his girlfriend, Nora, was really celebrating her birthday. But she told him she wouldn't. And Grey didn't understand why she would lie to him. They've been dating for six months now. Grey opened the door, and Nora and several friends were dancing together. Grey was really unhappy, he called Nora’s name several times but she didn’t hear that because of the loud music. Rushing to her, Grey grabbed Nora’s hand, Nora held his hand too and turned her face to Grey with a sweet smile. But when she saw Grey’s angry face, her smile disappeared. “Why did you come here?” Nora asked calmly. Grey said,” I think you told me that you wouldn’t celebrate your birthday, so now what’re you doing? Why are you lying to me?” Nora responded mockingly, “I had a lot of friends. They have decided to celebrate for me. It wasn't a big deal, anyway you didn't even have money to do it for me!”. Grey was in silence, he h
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Chapter 2: The set up
Grey looked back at Nora, at the woman he gave his heart to the moment he was lost, the moment it felt like he would never find happiness in life. He stared up at Seth for a moment, at the arrogance and the stupid smirk on his face. Well, he had everything under his control while the only thing Grey had was Nora. But not anymore. Nora was going to leave him as well. “Nora, is this true? Or is this a prank?” He asked softly. Nora sighed, “Yes Grey, we are breaking up. Here’s Seth, my new man,” she introduced and Tracy squealed with happiness. Grey doesn’t even know what was making her so happy. If he ever had a way to pay back, the first person he would teach a great lesson was Tracy. And the sad thing was that she never loved him. And he really thought they both had something for each other. Grey bit back his tears, he wouldn’t cry. “Poor guy, you didn’t even touch this woman’s hands right? You’re really pathetic.” “If you can lick my shoes, I may give you a job as a security
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Chapter 3: Wishes for death
Avery gave him a dirty glare. "What sort of question is that? I should be asking you!"The door opened almost immediately and King walked in, with a wide smile on his face. "I knew you were always with men. I just don't know why grandfather wouldn't trust me on it."" What the fuck are you saying!" Avery snapped. " I know nothing. I don't even know how this idiot got on my bed!" She argued.Smith smiled and took out his phone to take a shot. Grey was watching the drama, unable to ascertain what was really happening.Avery got up quickly. " Please, don't do this. I have no idea how it happened!" She pleaded and moved closer to him.Smith scoffed. " Too late, I have already sent it to my grandfather.""Damn!" Avery yelled and fell to the floor. She couldn't stop the mad beating of her heart. The thought of how much her grandfather would be disappointed in her ate her raw."Hey! What am I doing here!" Grey yelled suddenly, finally able to locate his voice. At first, he thought he was dre
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Chapter 4: He’s a master?
He staggered back to get his trouser from the bed. He was still feeling dizzy when he managed to slip his trouser on.The man sensing his actions guarded him to the car. Grey only had to tell the driver his address and didn't even know when they got home.When he stepped out, he stopped suddenly as he felt peace overtaking him. Suddenly, he wasn't feeling pain as he initially was. It felt like he was healing up. The pain coming from his nose was also gone.No, that wasn’t it. It was his determination that was making his blood boil. What if there was something about himself that he doesn’t know? He couldn’t just drop from the sky, something must be connected to him.It was at that moment that he was determined to get back his memory at all cost. Perhaps, there was more to him that he didn't know..The drive to the party was longer than Grey had expected. Dressed in a black suit that he had struggled to buy after his third salary, and a black shoe, Grey complimented it with his goodloo
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Chapter 5: Pained memories
Grey narrowed his eyes on him and wondered if he knew the strange man but his face was not at all familiar to him. His eyes went wide when Alfred went to his knees. "Greetings, Hercules. It's my pleasure to see you and even talk to you," he smiled and finally stood up. Grey was still skeptical, unable to believe a thing. It was a wonder that Alfred was referring to him as a master but he found it difficult to believe someone as rich as Alfred knew someone like him. Then, that brought him to the fact that something was really amiss somewhere. There was something about his past that seemed to be connected to something very much important. No one could explain to him how his life was before he was found by the sisters at the orphanage. And he didn’t remember anything as well. It still felt like there was a fog in his memory. "Where have you been?" Alfred was all smiles as he asked. “For ten years, we’ve been searching, finally I found the successor of Hercules! Who would have thoug
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Chapter 6: Who is he really?
It was a 100million dollars cheque!Grey never saw such a big amount of money!"I think you should have this. Till you can return to your position as the Hercules, you might need it."Avery looked over at the direction from where Grey went with worries written all over her. She wondered what was happening inside and why Grey was taking a while before he came out.Seth laughed suddenly. "Seemed like the small boy was getting a taste of his medicine already."Smith joined in. " It's just a pity he wasn't even able to enjoy his wife before his death," Smith teased.Avery's heart skipped a beat at their words. Well, it was something Alfred could do. "Come on! Mr Alfred doesn't tolerate rags like him. He's not going to be left alive," Seth suddenly took a glass of juice. He sipped it and laughed again. " Somehow the weather is good.""Come on!" Smith feigned seriousness. "It's bad weather afterall. A dog would die!"They both burst into laughter while Avery felt her feet gone cold. Her bod
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Chapter 7: steel he’s made of
Grey didn't reply and took a cup of wine. He sipped it slowly with a heavy heart.He didn't even have the time to exchange words with them. What was on his mind were the people he had lost."Fuck!" Seth cussed. "He's such an idiot."Grey turned towards him suddenly, with a stab of annoyance. He could actually break more of his nose at that moment Avery refused to talk with Grey until the end of the party and they were heading towards the car. She stopped walking and turned to look at Grey. "I hope you know there's no fucking way I will come home with you. I can't live in a house like that," she snapped. Grey watched her for a moment. "I'm your husband after all, why can't you?" He teased. Avery scoffed. " Seriously? Is this because my grandfather gave me to you on a platter of gold? I'm sure you know my worth." " But we are married now. Should there still be any barrier?" Grey probed deeper. " How the fuck did you get on my bed in the first place?" She asked angrily. Grey sigh
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Chapter 8: frustration
Weathervane Restaurant is top-notch, a place where Grey had never imagined he would go.But before the dinner, he has to have lunch. “Pizza man! Delivery!” a man yelled from outside of Grey’s house. Grey smiled and picked a hundred-dollar bill. He opened the door and stretched out the money. “Thank you for ordering. It’s $15.” “Keep the money!” He replied immediately and took the pizza from him. He closed the door before the man would say anything else. He stared at the pizza and remembered he hadn’t ordered pizza in forever because he was saving money for Nora’s birthday gift. Grey remembered what Alfred had told him and wondered how he was supposed to keep a low profile after losing his job. But at least, he could afford nice delicacies now unlike before. After eating, Grey decided to take a long rest as he could still feel some pains from the beating he got from waking up beside Avery on the bed. . When Grey woke up, it was almost six and he decided to get ready for din
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Chapter 9: face smacking?
Grey felt a slight stab of annoyance but he decided not to say any word. Seth was always used to twisting his words. Suddenly, a Bugatti Centodieci pulled up in the parking lot. Grey and the rest looked back as Alfred got out of the car. He was however accompanied by another man. This man was Gregory, the CEO of the popular clothing line in the city. He was also a boss of a big mafia in the city. Grey eyes widened. He’d heard a lot about Gregory. He just didn’t believe that the person he was supposed to meet was Gregory. No, the real question was why would Gregory want to see him? Was it trouble or not? Gregory was a tall and sturdy man like Grey. He was just slightly taller and with a face that could be described as being handsome. He was dressed in a Dormeiul Vanquish ii suit worth $95,319. Everything about him actually speaks rich. Grey had also heard about him but it was the first time he would be seeing him. “What the fuck is happening here?” Alfred asked the moment he w
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Chapter 10: claiming the position
" You will not speak like that to Hercules!" Alfred said at once.Grey laughed and looked up at Gregory for a moment. "I like your boldness. No wonder you are the boss but you should accept who you are. I am Hercules and I am here to take my position."Gregory laughed. " Seriously? You were absent for so long!" He snapped. " You can't just come back one day and start claiming the position."" Right," Grey nodded briefly, " I know I have been absent for so long but I'm back and I will try all I can to prove to everyone how much of Hercules that I am."Alfred smiled. " That's what I wanted to hear."Gregory scoffed suddenly and forced Grey’s gaze towards him. He wasn’t really expecting him to accept him immediately.Gregory was known for his stubbornness. That aside, who would let a kid like him control him?But what was he supposed to do?" Not mine!" Gregory snickered. " I haven't accepted you as my boss! And I'm going to challenge you!"Alfred turned to Gregory. " Stop this Gregory!"
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