Chapter 40. Meeting Elio

Chapter Forty; Meeting Elio Galileo.

“Hello Lucas Baron, I am Elio Galileo, it’s nice to have you shadow me” Those words were like heaven on earth for Lucas.

For a minute, he forgot to even extend his hands to shake the man who had already put out a hand for him.

Thank goodness Vienna was there, she hit Lucas at the shoulder and he came back to his senses.

Lucas stood up and shook Mr. Galileo for a very long time.

“Come to my office tomorrow and my assistant will brief you of the necessary things you need to know” Mr. Galileo said and checked his wrist watch.

“Now if you would excuse me, I have other things to take care of, you two can run along and enjoy the rest of the view”

Lucas and Vienna knew that Mr. Galileo was using style to send them away.

But they were even more happy to leave than he’s happy to send them out.

“Thank you sir, boss, I will not let you down.” Lucas bowed down again in courtesy before letting go first.

Vienna stood back and exchanged words with Mr. Galileo bef
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