CHAPTER 31 - Isn’t That The Manager Of This Place?

“Wow!!! I knew you would never disappoint me,” Fiona said to James happily after James had finished his explanation and analysis.

“Never would I have realized that those are the reasons why we Lost all our customers,” she added with a sigh thoughtfully, her eyes looking into the space, while Ella was only sulking as she didn’t learn even a single thing while she was at the big snack shop earlier.

James only smiled at this, not taking Fiona's praise nor Ella's sulkiness to heart.

“What do you advise we do?” Every bit of Fiona's attention suddenly turned to James as she asked this question.

This shop is her life and everything, and she might really die someday if anything was to happen to it.

Although she has been acting like nothing bad has happened these past few days, she was bleeding heavily in her heart.

Her mind always subconsciously think that the reason she couldn’t make any sales was that her shop's rival was more huge and had high standards compared to hers, but never h
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