Chapter 23: Another Reason

“WHAT WAS he even thinking? He didn’t even inform me of what we’ll do tomorrow,” August mumbled as he sat at the edge of the bed and stared at the door where Charles had gone out earlier.

He looked at his body. Some parts of his body were covered with bandages. August raised the hem of his shirt and grimaced as he saw his stomach having some stitches because of what Bruce did to him yesterday.

‘That’s why it pained me so much. His punch created a wound within it,’ he said at the back of his mind. He massaged the bridge of his nose as the memories from last night surged onto his mind like a tidal wave.

A day had passed, but the pain from their insults lingered in his mind. He could remember how they mocked him and threw insults at him like he was a rock that wouldn’t be affected by what they said.

He clenched his hand and tried to find the remote so he could watch the television.

“Where is it?” August talked to himself as he removed the blankets covering the bed and even removed the p
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