The phone rang again interrupting Gregory’s thought while he was sitting alone in his study. He just had an argument with his wife a while ago and he wanted to release the tension in his body but the continuous ringing of the phone would not allow him to be.

“Hello” he spoke into the receiver the moment he picked up the phone.

“Hello sir, it is the commissioner of police” the voice from the other end said and Gregory’s gaze softened.

“ what happened? You promised to bring the footage to me tomorrow so why are you still calling?”

He could hear the person from the other end sigh heavily.

“We can’t find the evidence sir” he finally said after a while and Gregory stiffened.

“What?he finally found his voice, “what nonsense is that?” He was already shouting, “you were to deliver the footage to me so what nonsense are you sprouting now?”

“Someone broke into the evidence room and took it but I assure you sir, I will personally find it and bring it to you by the end of tomorrow. Just give me a little more time” he begged.

“Nonsense Gerald, you better bring it to me tomorrow” he warned and replaced the receiver immediately while his wife rushed inside the room when she heard him yelling.

“What happened Greg?” She asked immediately she got to where he was standing.

“Can you imagine the nerve of Gerald? He had the guts to tell me the evidence Is missing after I have stuffed his bank account with millions of dollars, how dare he?” He fumed angrily banging his hand against the table.

“How is that even possible?” She asked in confusion as the door flung open and Nessa entered alongside alvanon and Chris.

“What happened mum?”Alvanon asked.

“The footage is missing from the station”

“How is that even possible?” Chris asked immediately.

“Do you all think it went missing on its own?” Nessa asked and all eyes turned to her.

“How do you mean?”

“I think Nick has a hand In this and he has the evidence. It can’t just go missing from the police station just like that”

Then it all dawned on them, only an enemy would do this to them.

“We can’t sit on our hands any longer” Chris chipped in as his eyes darkened, he hated Nick to the bane of his existence.


While all hell has broken loose in the Furgesson Mansion, a certain car drove into the compound and the two people alighted briskly and walked into the house,

“I will get my laptop” April announced and made for the stairs in a half run.

Nick looked around for a while but he didn’t see the person he was looking for.

“Hey ash, where is fedora?” He spoke into the earpiece in his ear.

“She left sir, I think she went to the Furgessons”

“Okay” Nick answered and saw April hurrying down the stairs with her laptop.

“Fedora is not in her room”

Loosening his tie, he lowered himself on the sofa nearest to him,“She went home,” he replied after a while.


April sat down beside him and began to type frantically on her laptop, she did that for some minutes before finally turning to Nick,

“It is ready”

Two of them immediately set their eyes on the screen of the laptop as the video began to play.


Two masked people entered the room, the orphanage keeper was seated on that the same chair and the kids were gathered around her, it seemed like she was telling them a story as usual.

“Who are you people?” She asked as she saw the men who barged into the room, fear was evident on the faces of all the kids.

“You made a mistake old one, when you allowed Nick into this building” one of the masked men said….


“Pulse the video” Nick immediately ordered, “ that voice sounds familiar. Do you think Gregory would use his own sons to do this?” He asked turning to April.

“Let’s find out, you have his number right?”

“Yes” he replied bringing out his phone.

April connected it to her system and typed for few seconds before the line at the other and began to ring.


“Who is this?” The voice asked.

“I got your number from your secretary sir, I would like to discuss something with you” April replied.

“I am a very busy man, I don’t have time” the voice replied and disconnected the call.

“That is Alvanon” Nick finally said as he gave a small laugh, “ it seems Gregory is still using his family members for his dirty work”

“To keep the circle more small, he would not want to involve a lot of people in his business” April chipped in and played the video again.


“I did not tell him anything, I pretended not to know him” she answered in a fearful tone. One of the kids tried to run away and the other one gunned her down earning screams from the remaining


“You all be quiet” Chris yelled and they all kept quiet but tears was streaming down their eyes.

“I promise I didn’t tell Nick anything”

“You have kept the secret for so long old one, I think it is time you are laid to rest now” Alvanon replied and nodded to his brother who gestured to some other people and from the shadows, a group of people began to pour gasoline all over the house.

“Please don’t do this” the old nun begged but all her pleas fell on deaf ears as alvanon pushed her from the sofa she was sitting on and she fell on the floor in front of them.

Pushing the sofa from the ground, her underground safe came into view and that was when he removed the small box under”


April pulsed the video again and zoomed into the box.

“That is the box we need Nick, we have to get our hands on that box to be able to know what is inside”

“I will come up with something to get it”

April smiled at him, “this is where Fedora comes in, she can help us get the box”

“I don’t want to put her inside any kind of danger April, she is my sister”

“And I am your wife who barely know you but I am working my ass off for you so you better get her to do something. She is smart and I know she can pull a single thing like that” she added with an air of finality before playing the video again.


“Thank you for keeping this box safe all this years, we will take it now” Chris announced.

“Rest well, old one” Alvanon added as they began to walk out of the room, by now the fire was already spreading very fast.

“Please sir” the kids kept begging but the two men walked out of the room and immediately, fire engulfed the whole room in one single swipe.


“This is inhumane” Nick couldn’t help but say, all because of that box Gregory had to take the lives of the innocent, “I will destroy this man ten times more than the things he has done I swear”

“I know right, I also hate him now like crazy” April retorted as she cringed, “ that man gives me the creeps right from day one” she added.

“Getting our hands on that box is the first step in to the genesis of this whole issue”

“And this is when Fedora comes in Nick, you can’t break into that mansion without getting caught”

“I know that house like the back of my hand April, don’t Worry about it”

They were still talking when his phone beeped and he smiled when he saw the caller ID, pressing the receive button he placed the phone on the table.

“Why has the almighty Gregory Furgesson called me after so many years, do I have something you need?” He asked sarcastically as a smile played across his lips, he loved the fact that he was making the great Gregory Furgesson stand on his toes in fear.

“I know you have a hand in the missing evidence Nick” Gregory’s sinister voice could be heard from the other end, “you should return it quietly and we won’t have an issue, I understand you want to mess me up but you should go about it the right way. Do you think you would be able to use that cheap evidence to bring me down?”

Nick chuckled lightly as he leaned on the sofa he was sitting, “you think I want to use this cheap evidence of bring you down Gregory? I have more than enough ways to bring you down so don’t think for a second that I am interested in this video but I sure am interested in that box your sons stole from there”

Gregory’s sinister laugh filtered into his ears, “I have trained you well Nick and I can still break you, don’t push your luck”he warned, “return that footage to me”

“I will return it when I get my hands on that box so you should be careful”

“Don’t test my patience Nick”

“And don’t test mine” Nick replied and pressed the end button,

“You know your old man so well” April chipped in casually.

“ more than even his wife” Nick answered but his voice sounded distant, “ I have to get that box as soon as possible” he added more to himself than the lady sitting beside him

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