All Chapters of Dark Eater : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
202 chapters
Chapter 10 - Eyes of the Beast
As the countless stream of the mythical creatures walked upon the vast plains, awe and amazement bubbled within me. With the fiery color of the sunset touching the horizon, a breathtaking scenery had emerged before my eyes. Accompanying me in my side was the savior of this unholy crusade. Although the cloak of darkness surrounding him was absent, the depth of his mystery still brought upon another layer of unkn
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Chapter 11 - Breakdown
Arise, thee who was kept in the dark I offer thee those embed with the mark 

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Chapter 12 - Company
Their name brought all fear No matter if they were far or near 

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Chapter 13 - Doubt
 What differentiates reality from fantasy?  Is it the unknown or is it the border that separates us from all of the wonders within our mind?  Or is it because such things have been justified by the empty proof of their existence?  Read more
Chapter 14 - Assumption
Within the jaw of the hidden serpent Come those who wished to vocalize their dissent Though they're all plagued by endless lamentRead more
Chapter 15 - The Absent of The Playboy
Passing their days in blissful ignorance One could say it was no different from innocence

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Chapter 16 - Dizziness
Their senses were unparalleled, the hunters of the woodsBow and arrow in hand, they always hide their faces under a hoodUncountable slavers they slaughtered, none could escape their nooksRead more
Chapter 17 - Stay for the night
Unmatched strength in their attack But intelligence is what they lack 

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Chapter 18 - Research
 As I walk down the staircase of my basement and try to find the disturbance within, a soft, chilling feeling crawls its way into my skin. Each breath I exhale creates an unusual faint fog in the air, while the familiar footsteps of mine awfully louder tonight.  Though afraid I might be, the curiosity welled up inside me. The unfaltering steps of mine finally arrived at the place in my mind. Cautiously, my hand moved to the doorknob as I tried to open the door before me. Read more
Chapter 19 - The IFAP
 He starts his hunt, from dusk till dawn  He takes no rest, till all his enemies go down  Though strong he was, he wasn't all for brawn  Read more