All Chapters of The Clan Head System.: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
234 chapters
            In the Larpotian Sea, far away from the location of the vortex where the treasure hunt was just completed hovered an extremely large fleet with a flag depicting green psychic currents.           Unlike most pirate fleets that could be seen as boorish and uncultured at first sight, this fleet had a certain air of peace and harmony to it.           Seeing them, it was hard to associate them with the term- pirates. Most of the pirates in the fleet wore simple white or other light color clothes, making them look simple and inviting.           There was no random noise-making or cursing which was a well-known trait of pirates in the sea, a serene atmosphere was in the fleet like it was the gathering place of monks.     
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           As soon as Morales felt the first signs of possession, his brain clicked and he knew that this was an orchestrated attack. As for the enormous Sea snake, it was bait to lower his guard.           Before the first signs of slow thought processes and all the other negative effects could become prominent, he acted to stop it.           ---------------------------------           Innate Talent- Attribute Regulator has been activated.           STR 401, DEX 153, END 193, INT 66, CHA 39, LUCK 2           Adjustments detected: Initiating Changes.           ...   &nb
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            As soon as Morales activated the special weapon ability of his Berserk Glove, he felt his perception of his surroundings become warped like a higher dimensional world was descending into this world.           In a second, his originally white eyes became blood-red like he was a drunkard with no hope of redemption. Not only this, his dark golden Pugilist energy got tainted with a bit of red.           In just a few seconds, he transformed from the normal Pugilist, Morales, to a human that was not much different from a monster. He was now a full-fledged Berserker Pugilist.           His thoughts became more aggressive and irrational immediately; this was the side effect of the Berserker mode of the Berserk Glove. Despite these shortcomings, this wa
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           As the enormous Sea snake exploded into a hail of blood and flesh due to the staggering damage that was dealt to it, a red shadow suddenly flickered and appeared from the remains. Without even looking, the red shadow manifestation swallowed a mouthful of the flying blood in the air before diving into the sea.            Seeing this, Morales instinctively motioned to stop it with his Pugilist energy but he did not succeed as the God of Shapeshifters escaped from his grasp.            He was not too surprised on seeing this. The fact that Wolfblood and Devil Croc could do it meant that their master definitely could too and was even more of a master at it, this was one of the main reasons why he was originally regarded as the strongest pirate Vice Admiral. Yes, Morales used the past term
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Somewhere in the boundless waters of the Larpotian Sea, the Serenity fleet continued moving at a leisurely pace through the sea waters.At this moment, the white-bearded old man who now stood inside his cabin, looking out through the window at the sea raised his head slightly to look up as the familiar portal appeared before him.An ethereal voice that struck directly at the soul reverberated.“Master, the task is completed- the enemy is dead. In the process, I discovered his secret, he is a Necromancer and the Shapeshifter Vice Admiral helped him”.“He appeared in a strange Wraith form, this is how he looked”.Immediately as he heard that and saw the soul picture depicted before him, the old man’s deep eyes constricted slightly as thoughts went through his head. A necromancer with a doppelganger with such strength.He knew no one else but him who could fit into this position.“George!”Read more
Morales directly cultivated for an hour before his body finally showed signs of recovering. Due to depleting all his energy in the previous battle, his body suffered some backlash that needed time to recover. Despite the perilousness of the previous battle, he felt good as the battle experience alone was worth the efforts. Now, he already had a first battle experience with both his future main opponent who was the main boss of version one, and a rival here at sea, the God of Shapeshifters. The Shapeshifter Vice Admiral didn’t have his previous title superficially. He was an extremely strong Grade D expert who could dwarf Vice Admiral Machine in combat, the only reason why he seemed weak in the battle was that he fought against a Morales who did not hold back. Also, fighting alongside the strongest Necromancer on Beiger planet would, without doubt, relegate him to the role of a supporter. After spending another 30 minutes regulating the
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---------------------------------Changes have been detected in main weapon name.Current main weapon name: Dawn Spear.…100,000 Experience points have been deducted.You have learned the talent: Giant Strength!Calculating current level to determine STR increase…, calculation completed.Immediate Effects: After calculating your level and your grade, you have acquired a total of 108 STR stat points.Current attributes:STR 509, DEX 153, END 193, INT 66, CHA 39, LUCK 2----------------------------A bright smile lit up Morales’s face as soon as he saw this notification. He felt like humming a lullaby from earth but feeling his pet’s curious gaze on him, he coughed and restrained his urge.With this done, he finally completed the digestion of his gains from this treasure hunting adventure.Thinking of his change of main weapons, he felt a little melancholic as he was a
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Prinz Island, Odinna Port. Prinz Island was one of the few islands in the Larpotian Sea where the Clifford family had a strong presence. And the Odinna Port on the island which belonged to them was one of the biggest in the region. At this moment, the sea port’s huge harbor had a lot of ships gathered, some going out while others came in. The only difference between it and other mainstream widely used harbors was the fact that most of the ships here belonged to the Clifford navy. The harbor was built like an extension of the island, it was luxurious, heavy, imposing, and was completely made from special metals. It was built in a semicircular shape, and in the middle was where the ships docked as they were attended to by the officials of the busy harbor. Just beside the harbor, at the edge of the island was a military base. As one of the most strategic islands of the Clifford family, it was a given that the Clifford navy would have a st
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Along the sea waterways leading to the relatively unknown Naga Island, a fleet of 4 ships moved through the waters straight in the direction of the island.Though all 4 ships were made from wood, they had a certain ferocity and majesty to them that was attractive and could strike a sense of awe.In the periphery regions of the Island, 2 small boats moved in the water as a group of fishermen engaged in combined fishing. When they saw the 4 ships coming from the distance, they were shocked.Fear gripped their hearts, but they did not hesitate to leave their fishing equipment behind as they rapidly switched on the boats’ engines to flee towards the island.As soon as they docked beside the new makeshift harbor at a certain part of the island, they got down and immediately started running towards the settlement town on the island.Compared to before, a makeshift watchtower made from wood was already built in the 4 vantage points of the island.Read more
“I want a cooperative relationship between us”. As soon as the sentence left Morales’s mouth, a spooky silence descended on the guest cabin as the mechanic Vice Admiral looked at him intensely with narrowed eyes. Seeing that he did not flinch nor avoid his gaze, the Vice-Admiral finally relaxed back on his chair a bit but he still didn’t give his answer. His brain rapidly whirled as he started thinking of the reason why this Prince asked for a cooperative relationship with him. It was not hard to decipher, but he wanted to know if there was a deeper meaning behind it. The most obvious reasons were to get connections here at sea, to build metal ships and mechanic weapons through him, to get a strong ally in preparation for the day of trouble. All these were important reasons that could warrant a need for a cooperative relationship, but he felt that he was missing something. Then, he suddenly thought of something. “Is it the fight for th
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