All Chapters of Shadow World: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
39 chapters
Chapter 11 - Fragmented, Part 3
Viktor knocked three times on the door of the Headmaster's study. For a moment he didn't hear anything. Was he doing the right thing by going there, directly challenging the teacher, especially after what happened? Maybe the professor wasn't even in the study. After a few moments a "Come in." Taking a deep breath, Viktor opened the door and stepped into the room, the memory of the last time he had been there still fresh as an open wound in his mind. Professor Theodria looked up. "He thought we had reached… uh… an agreement, after the… uh… incident." "Yes, professor, and I ... sorry to bother you." Viktor looked at his feet nervously. "B ... But there is something I want to ask you." "What do you want?" Viktor gripped his hands tightly behind his back to stop them shaking. “Today I hav
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Chapter 12 - Fear, Part 1
I've always wondered why the living fear the dead so much. Why are people afraid of soulless corpses? What reason could there be for that? Unless a necromancer's spells have given the dead a semblance of life, what can they do? What danger could they pose? How could they threaten a living, breathing, flesh and blood person? And also, why are people so afraid of body snatchers? If you believe that your eternal souls move to a better place after death. What does it matter what happens to the rotten container that used to be his body? Why should they care? The dead should not be feared, because there are many things the living can learn from them. It could be argued that were it not for the Necromancers, medical science's understanding of the human body and its diseases could not have advanced as far as it has. But the same can be said of the arts of necromancy. However, is it true
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Chapter 13 - Fear, Part 2
Viktor turned his head to the left when everyone inside the carriage heard the door open. The dandy, who was closer to that side, put a hand on the sword he had sheathed next to him. The door opened and the ugly unshaven face of a soldier appeared. "Well, well, what do we have here?" the soldier sputtered. "Let's see, what happens?" the lawyer demanded to know. Viktor could not answer that question but there was certainly something a little strange about that soldier, something that everyone could perceive. "An ambush," said the voice of the coachman from the roof of the carriage, confirming everyone's suspicions. Then several things happened very quickly, separated by just seconds. Without saying a single word, the swordsman suddenly rose from his seat. He gripped the door with both hands and yanked it shut. Startled, the soldier released her and stumbled forward, the weight of the war hammer in his other hand helping to throw him off balance. An instant later, the swordsman j
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Chapter 14 - Fear, Part 3
Viktor had entered the cemetery near the east wing. The mortuary chapel stood a good fifty yards away, amid the grim yew trees and grandiose mausoleums of noble families. Like many cemeteries in the Empire, it had been there a long time. It was probable that in that place there had been a burial ground since long before the founding of the city, when the first settlements had arisen at this point of the river, since there were areas of the cemetery that had fallen into oblivion and neglect.But between him and the funeral chapel, Viktor discovered two men who were in the cemetery, although the tombstones did not allow him to see clearly what they were doing.So focused were they on work that they didn't seem to have heard the confrontation that had occurred on the road, and they certainly didn't notice Viktor's presence inside the cemetery.One was tall and robustly built, with broad shoulders and heavily muscled arms. His partner was short and stocky, but something about the efficien
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Chapter 15 - Knowledge, Part 1
They say that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing; Nothing so true has ever been said.Some would say that it is the search for knowledge that defines us as superior to other races.Some will say that it is what has led humanity to become the dominant species of our world.He could talk about steam contraptions, different alchemical formulas, or the discovery of gunpowder and the terrible war machines that use it. All marvelous accomplishments, though none were accomplished without first taking a toll in human lives.But it could also be argued that the insatiable search for knowledge, the inquisitive and inherent curiosity of the human being, is what could bring us to the brink of destruction.It has been the study of the arcane arts that has led the human nations to shine, one example is Gregori, the current supreme magician who is in the Empire Magic Academy, it is irrelevant that he is a semi-elf, the important thing is his existence.<
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Chapter 16 - Knowledge, part 2
Erich was home for the first time in three days, was what Viktor knew. He was sitting at the attic table with the usual half-empty bottle uncorked, and he was swirling the wine in the container. His grungy ginger cat sat smugly on his lap, stroking his ears.Emboldened by the swig of wine Erich had poured him, Viktor began to speak. And once he started, the words just came out like a torrent and he found himself telling his friend everything… everything except the fact that the chase had caused a wave of emotion in him.When he was done, Erich simply sat in the chair, motionless, his mouth open and his expression stunned."My, my, you are a black sheep, right Viktor?" Erich said at last. “The black sheep of the family, huh? Well, I don't mind telling you, peasant boy, that I didn't think you were capable of something like that. You are full of surprises, right? "In the course of a few minutes, Viktor had completely changed Erich's opinion of
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Chapter 17 – Knowledge, part 3
The house was as run down as it looked from the outside. The room they were in was completely devoid of furniture. The floorboards were bare and bristling with splinters; the walls covered with damp peeling stock.Erich, regaining some of his earlier bravery, led the way and left the room.On the other side of the door they found themselves on an equally bare stair landing ... To go up to the upper floor there was a staircase with some steps missing and others half broken.The air was thick with the smell of mold ... It seemed that no one had inhabited the house in a long time, and yet he had seen some kind of servant open the door to the two body snatchers just a month before.Erich surveyed the flight of stairs that led up into the darkness of the upper floor. Convinced that there was no danger that could come from there, he cautiously peered over the railing. Viktor followed suit.The light from the street lamps that entered the building through
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Chapter 18 - Knowledge, part 4
The simple black-skinned book was a scholar's chronicle of his search for lost knowledge at the time of the coming of the Dark Gods, and while it was an interesting read, it didn't really teach Viktor anything very useful.The book titled only Anatomy, on the other hand, fascinated him and he had to acknowledge that the concepts and detailed information it contained were easy for him to assimilate and integrate into his own knowledge. In fact, he seemed to have a strange affinity for the ideas presented in the book. He attributed this to the long relationship he had had with death by growing up as the son of a priest of the death god.After a week without any sudden and unexpected visit from the guard or worse, Viktor dared to go out into the street again. He even dared to return to the School to continue his work there. When Professor Ulbert Hinsteil asked him where he had been, Viktor replied that he had suffered a bad summer cold. Lying was another thing he was not
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Chapter 19 - Post Mortem, part 1
It is a common misconception to believe that necromancers hate life because of their dealings with death. There could be nothing further from the truth!Those who practice the art of necromancy may well spend years looting the graves of the dead, abandoned cemeteries, fetid ossuaries and ancient burial mounds, avoiding the light of day to take advantage of the protective shadow of the night and the relationship with the living in favor. From the company of moldy corpses. But what motivates this behavior is the desire to hang on to life for longer.Some actually reach necromancy by mistake. They want knowledge for its own sake, or they are trying to save their own life or that of a loved one. Perhaps it is also true that many of those who come to practice the dark art are prone to madness and dark desires because what else could lead them to study the lowest and vilest form of the art of magic? Yet there is something in their forbidden quest that inevitably leads them o
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Chapter 20 - Post Mortem, part 2
Viktor continued to descend, the voices that seemed to be casting a spell clearer with each step. He still didn't understand the words they were singing; they seemed to belong to a language he did not know. But as he listened to them he felt his scalp tighten and his hair stand on end. Sound leaked like icy liquid from every pore.Suddenly Viktor realized his teeth were chattering, so he clenched his jaws. Was it really from the cold under the house, or was it due to something else?The stone steps ended and he began another corridor, this one made of crumbling bricks, glittering with algae and water. The ceiling was covered with cobwebs where the skeletal corpses of their owners could be seen. The light flickered at the other end of the hall. By going down that path, Viktor risked coming face to face with whoever was casting the spell, probably Doctor Tepes, but now he couldn't help himself.Before he knew it, he was peering around the archway at the other end
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