The Giant Funnel Web Spider was a dangerous beast that was cunning and cautious.When it terrorized the Tamers, which eventually forced the Tamers to alert the Kingdom because it was amassing a massive den that could terrorize both the Tamers and the towns and forts in the Kingdom, there were numerous deaths among the knights and warriors that the Kingdom deployed.But the Kingdom underestimated it. No Adept-level Fighting Professions were deployed, and all were only High Apprentices.The entire nest of the Giant Funnel Web Spider was empty at the bottom, but the ceiling would be covered with webs and allowed the giant Funnel Web Spider to swoop in down and kill its prey.It also used various traps like a massive cocoon of web that would fall and hatch its children. While these baby spiders were weak, they were numerous, and all had poison that could inflict paralysis. There were other traps that the spider had, which killed even more men! And then, there was the appearance of its chi
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