All Chapters of The Art of Magic: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
129 chapters
The First Three pages
As if the lush forest lost its lively green color. Everything turned monochromatic in a single second. An eerie laugh was the only thing she could hear. A man in a black suit wearing an eerie smile. He walk towards Nex whilst clapping his hands. He tipped his black hat and spoke, "Well done... Nice to meet you again Nova." He said as he looked at the eel like creature. Nova narrowed his eyes and spoke in a slightly agitated voice.[What do you want!? You're not allowed to be here or anywhere beyond the veil!]The man just chuckled and faces Nex with his glowing yellow eyes. "Relax, I'm not here to put chains on your newfound freedom. I'm only here to celebrate young Nex's power up. Besides this visit is unsanctioned. It could be our little secret." He said as he put his fingers on his mouth. Nova warily hovered around Mr.Nobody.[Don't pull any stunts I have my eyes on you.]Nobody just shrugged his shoulders and sat down on a nearby rock. It quickly morphed into a throne adorned with
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Misery Business (I)
Flames flickered on top of a building. The noisy streets buzzed as hover cars and the different sounds of Venta's Nightlife entered the ears of the two newcomers who appeared out of nowhere from the swirling flames. The orange haired woman clicked her tongue as she dragged the beaten body of a blonde man covered in bent alloy armor.The glare she gave him was so intense that it could even melt metal, "I can give you to the guild right now, But... I'm tired of following orders from those old idiots. If you offer me a better deal I'll reconsider our standing." She said as she stabbed her flaming great sword on the hard concrete. Spewing flames that could even turn the ground into charcoal.Alex groaned as he sat up and leaned his back towards the concrete wall. "What?" Solemne furrowed her brows, seemingly irritated. "Gold, Credits, whatever. I'm offering my power if you can bring out the money." Alex however chuckled, "Hahaha, Fine Magitech will pay you whatever you want as long as you
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Misery Business (II)
She held her chin, "The flame on those chains looked like pure hellfire. The chains themselves are perhaps some kind of demonic seal to trap it inside a vessel. Angelic Binds?" She mumbled to herself as she walked in circles. "It doesn't make sense. What about those space cracks." She frowned as she was lost in her own thoughts. "Umm, About the deal." Alex said interrupting Solemne's train of thought.She was anchored back to reality. Her eyes darted towards him, "You're right, there's still plenty of time before she gets consumed by the demon. I will help you, but not officially. I will deliver you to the guild. I hope you won't speak until your owners come pick you up." She said at Alex who was stretching his tired body. He nodded his head, "I'll manage." Solemne gave a satisfied smile, "Don't break easily now." She said as she gathered Mana on her hands. A flaming magic circle with the image of a Flaming sword that spun endlessly appeared on the ground they were standing on.His vi
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Baldr of the Einherjar
Atop the towering skyscraper, on its highest floor that overlooked the entirety of Paradise City. Two men looked down at the glowing street filled with all walks of life. They squinted their eyes to not be blinded by it's neon beauty.The thin man in a black suit, his eyes were a little baggy. His legs felt like it was strapped onto heavy iron bars, stepped back as he looked towards the bulky man beside him. He was covered in a myriad of scars. His poor attempt of covering it with tattoos and a long sleeved black shirt only increased his imposing nature. The thin man finally spoke brining life to the smoke filled room."I apologize for all the snags uhh...Mr. Baldr. As soon as we fix things we can procure the "resources" you ordered.At the moment we can only entertain you until we get the amount of Substance-M needed." The thin man said as he opened a bottle of whiskey. He twirled his glass as the two cubes of ice swam in a brown liquid. It filled the room with an earthly aroma. He o
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The way back home.
The sound of the radio echoed in the small black car. Nex opened her eyes once more, she was greeted with a sight filled with Lish green trees. All sorts of Flora and Fauna were scattered across this area. She was surprised and looked towards Nick but he was dozing off like an old man.Blair on the other hand answered what's on Nex's mind. "Ms. Alessandra has been collecting Flora and Fauna in this territory just outside Paradise City. It's away from both people an
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Ghosts from the Past (I)
Incessant rhythmic beats that assaulted their ears, echoed across the bar. Flashing lights and Holographic effects littered the already cramped place. The people waved their body along with the music as they drowned themselves in their choice liquor.Some were swaying for a different reason. Yet as if driven by a mysterious force kept downing on glass after glass. Getting swept by the atmosphere, most of the people did the same pouring another glass. Their loud voices barely audible as the top 50 songs of the time played on repeat for hours on end. The others bobbed their heads, while the others sang along loudly. Merrily distancing themselves from their mundane life.However the duo at the calm part of the bar were just laughing as they got drunk together. The two women were dressed really stylishly. The one on the left was Nex, wearing a black sweater, her sleeves folded right before the elbow, coupled with black pants. Her worn shoes replaced by a branded white running shoes. She w
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Ghosts from the Past (II)
"It's been really quiet." She followed after showing a trace of melancholy on her smiling face. "You kiddies really grow up so fast." Nex wiped the tears of laughter on her eyes and said, "Your not that old." Only to get chopped in her forehead. "Don't say old!" The two giggled at one another and picked up a bottle of half filled beer.The two clinked their bottles together as they gulped down another bottle. "If it wasn't for you I would've been Magitech's lapdog forever. I wouldn't be able to have fun like this if it wasn't for you guys." Nex said in all seriousness. Miri ruffled her hair as she sighed, "Don't think about it too much. I'm glad that you're now a proper adult." She said as she looked at Nex proudly. Nex scratched her cheeks awkwardly as sighed.Nex smiled ruefully, then as if a bolt of lightning struck her she slammed her palms softly on the metal bar. Her eyes lit up in reverie. "Which reminds me, How are those red haired triplets? The ones you brought to the orphana
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Ghosts from the Past (III)
She stayed for a while to chat up with Nex but eventually she left as if she was quite in a hurry. "Come visit the orphanage if you have time." She said as she left. Nex sighed as she downed another glass of Death's Gambit.Naj raised her head scratching her cheeks awkwardly, "It's okay Nex, You'll have plenty of chances next time." Nex groaned, "Damn! I even wore makeup too." Naj patted her on the back, "It's okay, this is a bar Nex let's just party it away. If you think that's still not enough we could go to the nightclub near here." Nex shrugged her shoulders, "Yeah, maybe you're right." She looked towards the bartender and ordered a lot of drinks. The two screamed as the downed their shots of tequila.Meanwhile Miri was walking on a slightly narrow alleyway towards the slums, where the orphanage was. The lights that illuminated the place were dim. Filled with broken down buildings and graffiti everywhere.A lot of people were outside this time of night, the slums were especially l
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The War Still Rages Within (I)
The hooded figure observed Skadi as she neared it. Skadi stopped just right in front of the hooded figure. She towered over her opponent appearing a head and a half taller. She glared down at her opponent as she gripped her fist. After a few seconds of silence, she spoke, "So, How do you wanna do this?"The hooded figure shrugged their shoulders. "It doesn't matter, You decide." they said seemingly impatient to start the bout. Skadi grinned as she ruffled her pockets. She drew out a smoke bomb.Making the hooded figure reach for it's blade. "I'll toss this into the air, once it lands... it's a melee." Skadi said as she put her free hand on her waist. The hooded figure nodded and stepped back a few meters."Though I gotta say, you're awfully considerate today. The others weren't so lucky." She said probing her attacker. The hooded figure shook it's head and spoke, "You're not as terrible as the rest of them. But, you still need to die for what you've done." Skadi was looking down at t
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The War Still Rages Within (II)
The figure dashed towards her faster this time, her movements, faster than the last. An upward slash then followed by multiple slashes on every direction in quick succession. Skadi could barely follow her movements it was lightning fast, yet as if she could read her opponent. She parried off all the strikes with the back of her gloves. As time passes her smile grew wider and wider underneath her mask.The hooded figure got closer into Skadi's range. It ducked under to avoid the punch, as it sent an upwards thrust. It saw the expression Skadi wore. It was glee, Her grin almost reaching her ears, surprising the hooded figure. It could see delight in her icy blue eyes.Skadi noticed that her opponent's strikes were getting even faster. It took everything she had to party and dodge. She was wounded although it's very shallow. She can't help but be surprised. Yet as if driven by madness she was laughing in glee. Skadi thought to herself that she needed to take this fight into a smaller spa
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