All Chapters of The Return Of The Secret Billionaire : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
262 chapters
Chapter 31.
The young man strode in, silently observing his environment. Obviously he'd been worried he'd just been freaking kidnapped! He was actually much more handsome than on TV. Blonde medium length messy hair, clear skin and clean-shaven with well-defined features. Oh the man was cute! He was on a casual polo and a pair of crazy jeans and white sneakers. "You are?" He asked, staring calmly at her as he wondered what was happening. His cell phone had been taken from him, and his representative Clinton was still with that CEO man. Tori couldn't breathe. "Oh hi. I'm Tori Lawyers, secretary to TMN insurance firm's CEO." There, her confidence was back! "The CEO guy," the young man said, "you're acquainted with him?" "Yes. He's my boss." She was nailing it. Here she was standing face to face with her idol, life could never have been better. Only problem was that it couldn't last.Her confidence was only temporary. All she had to do was make the announcement that her boss would love to meet h
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Chapter 32.
When Nathan rushed in, his first mission had been to find his wife and it had been a bit hard to. He disliked the man named Thomas Castiel, and that had happened to be the only one in the room seated gently as he watched some ancient movie with terrible bad color. After a maid had opened the door, Nathan walked in, signaling his presence with a simple greeting, but the man ignored. "Mr. Castiel? Is Doris not here?" He asked, and the man brought his head up to look at him this time. He gestured he took a seat beside him, only gestures without even taking in the liberty of speaking. How rude of him! However, since Nathan had been desperate, he sat down. Besides, that had been his father in law and the best he could do was to obey. Without bringing his face to meet Nathan, the man asked. "Why have you come, you fool?" It wasn't the first time Nathan had heard the man call him names before. He was even used to the whole member of the Castiels treating him like trash! The young man's
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Chapter 33.
That evening, Tori had set up a meeting with Nathan and Richard. There was a special setting created just for the Greek mythology lover, Richard Greens, and luckily for Nathan, he still remembered a little of those myths from high school. He wasn't really a freak of it, but he didn't exactly hate the Greece wide imagination. Nathan hadn't particularly believed in any religion. He only believed in hard-work and good luck. As well as courage, determination and ability to never give up. He also believed in the universe as a whole. There was a being, a powerful force that created, controlled and commanded all forces of the universe. The setting had been done on a little island just a few hours away from Ettavile, one of Nathan's many owned lands, and the room had been decorated with statues of gods of the Greeks. Then, the whole painting and setting had been in such an attractive mystical way that one would feel they were actually sitting on Mount Olympus! The young man was around alr
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Chapter 34.
"The name's Trevor Davis," the young man in a blue suit said. "May the Lord bless our gathering today," with a religious 'God bless me' gesture, he smiled, "why have you called me?"Nathan knew the next name on his list would be the exact opposite of music pop star Richard Greens.Trevor Davis was a board member and a wealthy man at that. He is well respected and cherished amongst the people in the firm, but that wasn't the only reason they loved him.Trevor was an arch enemy of Manuel Alonzo, and since more than half of the company's staff members hated Manuel, they loved this man.Simple politics.However, Nathan knew there was more to the story, and he would get to the bottom of it.He cleared his throat. "Mr Trevor, it is my pleasure to be here with you."The man smiled. "The pleasure is all mine."Nathan sipped on the glass of wine before him. They'd settled at an exclusive bar that evening, while Tori tried to tackle her own mission. Nathan too returned the smile. "As long as i
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Chapter 35.
Evelyn could be calm when it came to a lot of matters. But that particular day, she was losing her mind!Her life was crumbling right before her eyes. Her association and circle of friends was failing already. It was almost as if everyone had known that she was near bankruptcy already. The stupid husband of hers had absolutely nothing, and Owen's business was crumbling to dust already. Still, Doris still won't leave Nathan's side!What to do next? She didn't know. But she had to think fast!She was pacing round the room when she heard a knock on the door. Owen wasn't home and neither was her husband. Thomas barely stayed at home anymore, and she didn't give two fucks! But if it had been either of them, they could easily open the door using their spare keys. The doorbell rang and the knocking continued."I'm coming. I'm coming." The woman grunted.When she arrived at the door, Pedro was standing before her. "You? What the fuck do you want again?""Oh my potato," he said, leaning in for
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Chapter 36.
The next on Nathan's list was Isabella Rodriguez, Ettavile's sexy and youngest richest woman.Isabella was a Mexican sexy woman in her late forties, and the only woman among the board members. Tori had prepared a meeting with her as well, and they were to meet at an exclusive party she was throwing."We need to be more secretive. Isabella Rodriguez is the next on my list after Trevor, and these people will be on my side soon so we can proceed with the plan. She will be attending the gala tonight, and so will I, just as you've planned." "I'm happy our plan is working." "Yes. Me too." Nathan said, and Tori nodded politely. They were standing by the corridor, almost near the elevator. "Also, I'm getting closer to Trevor. And Pedro as well.""Okay sir. I won't disappoint. I'll keep an eye out on both of them--""No. No, watch just Pedro. I trust Trevor.""But you only met him yesterday! How can you trust him so easily?""He gave me his word. He will be my eyes and ears for this company.
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Chapter 37.
"You," Manuel said, eying Tori with disdain.Tori was confident, she had no other choice. "Good to see you too, Manuel Alonzo.""Tori? Tori Lawyers?" Andrew called out, staring at Tori with utmost surprise. "What are you doing here?""She's there! No, Manuel you mustn't trust her. She's a betrayal!" Trevor was still saying when Manuel instantly hung up. Although he was surprised to see Tori at his house, he still needed to act cool and swallow his fears. He grunted, then signaled for her to take her seat.Tori made her way over the king sized leather sofa, then sat like a queen. If there was one thing she'd heard of Manuel, it was that he loved people who were bold and daring."Tori Lawyers, right here in the abode of her employer's arch nemesis? I must ask, where have you thrown your dignity, young wom--""Leave, all of you." Manuel commanded, and all eyes fell on him with shock."What? That is quite outrageous, boss. You mustn't listen to the blasphemy that this undignified homosapi
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Chapter 38.
Thomas was furious. How dare his wife speak to him with so little respect! Evelyn had been disrespecting him all because he was broke already. She wasn't like that before. But something inside of Evelyn had changed. "Why won't you serve my meal?" The man asked his wife, anger flaring across his face. Evelyn served just her meal since Owen wasn't home. "Well, I just prepared my meal," she replied. "Does that make any sense to you!" "Relax love, I need to enjoy my delicious dinner." Evelyn said, then walked away, striding with so much confidence that caused Thomas to grow even more furious. He should have gotten married to that other woman. Yet, destiny had brought him to Evelyn! Why was life so unfair? The picture of the other woman was on his phone, and Thomas usually brought the image close whenever he was feeling blue. "My love," he muttered to himself. "How I miss you so," Indeed he did. What he would give to get her back. Life was truly unfair. "I really regret not ending
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Chapter 39.
"Tori Lawyers will be attending the gala tonight," Manuel said to Trevor on his way out. "You should too.""But what if something goes wrong?""Like?""I dunno? Anything! I don't trust that Tori girl."Manuel smiled to himself. He remembered vividly what the young woman had said, and her advice. "Trevor Daniels met with Nathan. He's like a rat, ready to betray you once he finds someone better. He's not loyal at all... I don't think you can trust him. Be careful around him."Manuel didn't want to believe her at first, but she had promised a proof later that day at the gala."Trevor, you worry too much. Please, I can take care of myself--" the phone in his pocket buzzed, and he received a text message from a strange number. It was a recording. "You should leave now," he disposed of Trevor and shut the door closed. He commanded his maids to fetch him his cloth for that night, and strode into his room to check out the mystery message. As he played it on his way, the voice of Trevor was pl
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Chapter 40.
Earlier that day, before the gala… Nathan was lost in thoughts. He'd just had the same nightmare he always has, about him and his family going out, then an accident occurring.He woke up startled again, but he decided to be strong about it. He breathed out a heavy sigh. One day, he would finally be able to uncover memories of his parents. Someday, and he prayed it would be soon.But at that moment, he needed a plan to defeat Manuel. And fast.Isabella was the next on his list. He tried for a special way to meet the important highly dignified woman. Tori came in, knocking first before turning the knob to open the door. He was used to it anyway."You look like crap!" The woman yelled out, then took her seat."Thanks." Nathan forced a smile. The environment was bright, the ray of light brilliant and filling the entire room. He wished he could think clearly."So, what's your plan?"He knew she would ask that question sooner or later. He'd hoped later, but sadly, Tori was also the inquisit
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