In the heart of the city, where darkness consumed the alleys, stood the Naitatu gang's hideout—a derelict warehouse covered in graffiti and hidden from the world's prying eyes. Chen, Hendrick, Hector, Kyungja, Nicki, and the other members were gathered there that night, laughing and making plans for their territory war and also undergoing rigorous trainings. Little did they know that their haven would soon turn into a battleground.As the clock struck midnight, a lone figure staggered into the dimly lit warehouse. Blood dripped from his wounds, leaving a macabre trail behind him. It was one of their own, but he could hardly be recognized in his battered state. He gasped for breath, desperately trying to convey a warning before collapsing to the floor, unconscious.Chen, the second-in-command, rushed to his side. "Get a medic! Quickly!" he barked, his voice laced with concern. Panic spread like wildfire as the gang members realized the gravity of the situation. They were under attack,
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