All Chapters of A Comrade: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
125 chapters
Sour Bitter Sweet Taste
Ash was coughing , while Primrose stepped towards the window ,'' Each time l hear serious issues among people caused by the uncaring leaders...l wanna yell ! Parliament has hundred of representatives who have responsibility in all human being issues ! What they do ? " Ash fed her by continuing, " Look at the behavior of the people's representatives and their candidates. Putting up advertising banners with men grinning faces laughing at the cameras and female seductive smiles or aren't they trying to look elegant and smart or be like a kind person... all is ridiculously pretending and fake ! Those greedy representatives are having pictures like models... Ha ! crazy, celeb as candidates for people's representatives! What a stupid idea!pictures like models... ""They reveal their folly by making words advertising themselves as if they will do good to the society of the party putting words " Helping people" Alas ! People is not to be helped ,they are weak because elites make th
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The nurse who once treated Eddie junior told them while Ash and Primrose invited her to a cafe at a suburb area , "While he had been treated as a patient who was evolved in a serious motor vehicle accident, the man looked at me and said: "I still got trauma imagining the road and vehicles which coming that time and now into my eyes".Shortly after he got regular treatment on his injuries ,a friend of his, coming up at the hospital, thanking me for how kind I had always been with him, while he messed everything up with the accident.He loved his friends who visited him and offered the love,and told him if he got recovered he was welcomed in their house, they prepared meals and everything else for a couple of weeks. And this invitation , having me here , it was the nicest ecompliment, that I have done something good for him, that he is still have another trouble in his family life .What means the most to me....being told "you're doing a good job ,sister" from them , a good nurse f
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The plan was divided into a few steps, each of which describes a different aspect of the issue's and person. Eddie experienced lots of things that made him drew himself from outside world and chose to stay at home,did good and bad all there.'' The first problem set the scene and described him in the feeling of loneliness as he nomore wandering through the countryside which used to be his whole world.."The imagery of clouds roaming over hills and valleys evoked some sense of isolation and detachment, which contrasts with the vibrant and joyful scene that he used to be his life ... encountering things to be fitted made him worthy ,till the nice good feeling ended in vain ." Come on Ash , you are a great speaker in lots of issues..what comes across your field now is something unpredictable,right ? "He rubbed the table wetted by a water spilling , " l wonder now if we can make it as comparison to the stars in the Milky Way emphasizes the vastness and beauty of the limitless scene.
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The Perpetrator
Primrose hadn't been out of her room,Ash thought she was tired and wanted to have long hours sleep.'' Or maybe she works on something with the publisher " His second estimation was right . She send an email to Misty and the chief editor, and apologized for being late to send it as " some emergency work is coming " Both Misty and the chief editor just commented, " It's ok ..but no delay tomorrows .." * Ash gazed at the door. I follow his object view. I thought he was waiting for some guests at the hour or he just heard a knock on the door.No , he just wants to make an analogy on what he is going to define. Pointing out the the door,the handsome man with the thick sideburn began , "You see that door . There are two things that make none open it . First , if it is locked.Second, if none have any business to do it .If it's not locked,the person can get in without any permit or knocking first.If he or she has business they will choose one of the way . Legally or illegally.. What if
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Everyone called Eddie's wife Mrs T .So did Ash , " Tell me what kind of life that he wants, Mrs T . Living alone and earn money as ..what ? A painter maybe or do farming..or.."Mrs T was wondering if Ash in the middle of tutoring and did he put her as a student doing a task .It's a chain of game puzzle and battle in her mind .What she had to say to him ? "In some areas ,wherever they are ,all resembled..only the lands and culture differ .but.not for Eddie ' s junior .He just.. didn't have will and confidence anymore .His soul seemed just dying .."He thought about arranging the time to go for trying again to meet Prim , he would not give up as long as he can but not this time,maybe she was in the middle of some and he didn't want to disturb unless she came out from the room .Eddie came in to bring them some juice.He went on thinking,while letting the spouse discuss something privately.Allowing the hosts to decide what to tell him and not to tell,in a little shyness an
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No Gleam
Leaning on the pillar of the porch while watching the village surrounding was like a good way to make times stopped.Ash loves a sports car or a sophisticated jet plane as good as he accepting and admiring all the things far from any machine and technology attributes.And he knew things all about them as great as much about axe , spade ,saw and other old times stuff to make and build things as he got vivid interest in all parts of human movement,only some time he thought that too much modern technology product was loathing .She was mending a water gallon when a young boy passed by with a filled gallon in his back ." Hey ,young boy ! Come here please " Ash was changing his cap.when he saw Primrose talked to the young boy ." Can you check if there is some damage here ? "The boy politely took the gallon briefly and nodded " Yes , Miss some spare parts... Here is the new one if you would like change " She nodded, " That is a good much do I owe you? And you can deli
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Gosh ...!
" Apparently, the tomboy girl who worked on hard job ,fit for boys need some financial help . She was hardworking and needed to go on his school." After saying that,Ash called Rayland to handle the issue ." The bimbos...see .. some girls act as prostitutes while this tomboy showed her angelic work to help herself and his mother.." He was always give a positive reaction to such issue ,thus .. Think after and before..who will be there for the hurt ,the ugly ,the poor and the vulnerable ? He said things to make them sound more suffer . Maybe that's how a motivator works ! Primrose glanced at him before walking out of the porch and entertained herself by the garden yard .Anyone ..his Mom and dad are happy and lucky parents..for having such a loving son .His siblings.His friend.His teachers.His relatives...Also .No exceptions.Oh ,there were exceptions...the state official whom he show his criticisms on their policies .Those friends who followed himalwayswill be there to hurt t
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5 Hours Walk
Check out this fantastic trip midnight on the third eye opening after years of dreaming and effort to get it.The blue pen was there on the cupboard as energized being,yhat leaped once, to be taken as a beginning of outer space messages to bring.And, a number was written and an address to visit In spite of fires on the wounded heart, fortress blown up,Chief ribes of the ancient history, earth in running...Ash glimpsed into life in rural lightly as he unbuttoned his cotton shirt,humming while soaping his hairy chest .."It is better to do things all the way without worrying the perfection .ln which phase of human life perfection is ? Born in nothing but frailty . what make babies live is only caring for their cuteness .Adulthood need many things and no guarantee to succeed. The result may be the satisfying at some parts , but it won't be long . Growing pain in going through defeats and bruises while victories on the way , crippled by false hopes .Ashby swung the back
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Ash ! Ash ...!!
Right, each inches of the road is there for an observant to think and feel, after that an idea emerging one after another.See the small stalls , pedestrian , little kids with kites , plastic bags on the way , shadows in the first morning light, frowning shopkeepers, miserable young girl, ...dry leaves .. lonely poor elderly people.It' s there for any journalist, author or bookworm and empathetic person like Ash .Putting on her boots ,Primrose looked at the road they were going to go ," Since when the superpower state influenced the world about everything? A professor wrote" Film is one of the tool to bewitch the young generation to swallow up their food and entertainment product "Ash prepare some more packs of cigars , " Tv was the start. Movie ,ads , and other medias .Your dad , your grandparents, must have known that , right ? So how many generations are there ? "" Names of people and places become sample and standard of style . They've enliven dead actors or actress caused th
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Extra Money
So, in readiness to have a long trip by picking on foot challenge initially with the first shock of a dead shot bird ,now she face a river to go through. There were a few boat to on water side to rent ." Rowing ? "A hotter look shown by the boat man as he thought they were a young couple from a city .They might have thought of big money to offer from newcomers who were not ordinary local people .Ash decided to rent a boat by having himself rowing . Whatever , as long as he received numerous amount of money it's ok, the boat man see it as reward for their wedding trip . So he started the first bargain with the handsome chap whom he didn't have idea it's Ashby Gevarra , a figure he admired a lot , he only knew from tv or magazine ." Lizard of the sea " was a made up story for local children that made them wish to row on the river or some other made them scared . The boat man told them that , making Primrose laughing, watching Ash gave a serious made up reaction to him .
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