All Chapters of Useless Son-In-Law Is A Divine Doctor: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
117 chapters
After His Life!
Adam paced the entrance of the storage room, waiting for Cleo to come out. She’d gone in with the assassin for two hours now, and after helping to remove the bullets from his body, she asked him to leave them alone.He’d heard muffled screams and shrieks. He could only imagine what method of torture she was using on the man.Just as he was getting tired of waiting, Cleo stepped out, looking all calm as if she didn’t just torture someone.“It wasn’t your mother-in-law that sent the assassin this time.” She announced with a grim smile.“Then, who was it?”“Dr Walker.”“What?” Adam paused.He wasn’t too shocked though. It’s just that he didn’t expect that man would go through such lengths to silence him.“Birds of a feather flock together. Anyways, what’s the next plan?” Adam asked her.He just arrived back in Colorado and hadn’t accomplished any of his plans. He can’t die now.“We send the assassin back to the sender.”“Huh?” Adam stared at her like she’d grown two heads. “Do you trust
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12: Mannerless!
Adam woke up early the next morning, having a light dinner and grabbing his suitcase. Last night, Cleo had handed him the keys to a limited edition G-wagon. He hopped into the car and headed straight for Walter's corporations. Today was his first day at work, and he must put on a good impression for Mr Richard who'd be waiting to welcome him. He drove into the garage and parked, marveling at the height of the building before him. With confidence, Adam made his way towards the revolving door.But before he could step through, a woman brushed past him, pushing him to the side in an attempt to pass through. "Hey, watch where you're going!" She hissed at Adam, stopping in front of a man who was waiting for her inside. Adam was dumbfounded. "You pushed me and you're asking me to watch my steps? How mannerless!"The lady and her companion suddenly faced him. "Did you just call me mannerless?""You pushed me and you're still being rude about it." Adam replied."What if I push you? Doe
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13: Is Your Moral Conduct Going to Pay Compensation?
"That's right!" Derek butted in. "Who's this man anyway? He can't possibly be your cousin. Why should Senior Walters give him any position he wants?"Roberto's murderous gaze hadn't left Adam since they stepped in. "You want to know the people I hate the most?" He asked suddenly. "Who?" Adam responded. "Those that latch onto the thigh of an influential person, to get a post that they don't have the skills for!" Roberto gritted. "Do you know what happens to such a person at the end? They lose the job, their dignity, self-esteem and get humiliated by everyone!"With that, Roberto picked up the pen and signed the document. "I might not be able to prevent you from getting this job. But know one thing, you won't last long here!"Adam took the open threat with a smile. "Bring it on, Roberto. Let's see who gets to leave this company first!"The other three people in the room were stunned.Never had they thought that the men knew each other, or that they had such deep animosity towards each
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14: You Will Abandon Me Again!
"Think about what Madam Lori would say, Adam." Elsa's secretary went on berating him."She would throw you out after making you sleep in the cold for 3 days! You have to rethink your decision of taking Miss Elsa's position!""So that's what this is about? Miss Elsa's position." Adam scoffed in disbelief."Apart from being a son-in-law to the Hemsworths, do you know any other detail about my life?""Huh, no. I-""Then what gave you the right to speak so lowly to me?" He slammed hotly at her. "You're just a mere secretary in this company. How dare you? Do you realize I have the power make you lose your job right his instant!""You can't do that!" the woman laughed aloud. "Once everyone comes to know your true identity, you are gone!"Suddenly, the sounds of clapping came from the door. "Apart from being a butt-lick, you're also a lick that fabricated your identity?" Elsa scowled. "Interesting!""You can do whatever with this seemingly new information you just got." Adam hissed. "Now,
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15: Deserves To Rot In Jail!
"What have you done?" Cleo cried as soon as she saw Amelia's condition."What did you say to her? Do you know the efforts it took to get her into a stable condition?" She scolded Adam as though Amelia were her own sister. "I'm sorry." Adam was shocked when his sister suddenly went berserk, yelling that she hated him.As a doctor, he could tell that her symptoms showed she was triggered.Amelia was forced to remember the past when she saw his face, and her first response was to fight it. His heart stung with the possibility that she really detested him.Amelia didn't lose control when she was with Cleo, why did she get triggered by him? "Could you please leave the sitting room?" Cleo gritted, getting frustrated when the little girl refused to calm down. With pain in his heart, Adam picked suitcase and left. As long as Amelia remained in this condition, she would refuse to see him. It was all the Hemsworth's fault!And he was going to make them pay severely for this. After a whil
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16: Amelia Couldn't Stand Him!
"What's wrong, Richard?" Adam stood up, a bit startled. "Oh, you haven't seen the online reviews yet. Have you?" Richard happily showed it to him. "The executives were very impressed with the wisdom which you solved this case." Richard led him into the conference hall, beaming with smiles. "The company's reputation has been boosted immensely due to your actions. I wasn't wrong about you after all." "Now, who was it that said Mr Carson didn't have the skills suitable for the job?" Mr Ernestine was the first to speak up. "For Senior Walter to have vouched for him, means he was very impressed with his amazing skills!""According to the information we got from the CCTV footage, the previous Head of HR had been aiding the reporter in breaching our company's privacy policy.""For that, Miss Brooks is going to face disciplinary actions and her background re-checked! Who let such a person in anyway?"Roberto's face turned sour. Mr Ernestine apologized to Adam for doubting him at first, t
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17: Can you Go Against the Vice President?
Adam arrived at work early the following morning, he noted his team members that arrived early and admonished them to do better. While threatening to sack the ones that came late. "If you can't make it to the company right on time, why else are you at this job?"His words were harsh, but it was only for the good of his company. Right now, he needed as many capable hands as he could get on board. After a short meeting with them all, Adam returned to his office. He met the reports he'd asked Richard last night for on his table. It was the reports of the Sales department, Marketing and Logistics department and Product Design department under the leadership of Sean, Max and Garrett respectively. He sat down and began to audit the accounts. Adam was able to quickly grasp and interpret the bulky numbers in a short while. This was an advantage he got due to being involved in his father's company. Back when the Carson's Pharmaceuticals was still functional, Felix always made sure he visi
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18: Who is Poisoning My Father?
"What the fuck is Arsenic doing on my father's table?" Adam asked himself, bringing the powder to smell with his nose again. It was Arsenic. No doubt about it. Adam tried to figure out perhaps Arsenic is used by hospitals in cleaning and sterilization. But his mind kept giving him a foreboding. With how secured this hospital was, was it possible for just anyone to sneak in? Adam couldn't be too sure. He took out a napkin and wiped the powder, wrapping it and tucking it away. He would make further investigations later. There has to be a mistake somewhere. "Dad, I'll be right here, waiting for you. Please wake up soon." He faced his father again, sighing in helplessness. He was like an orphan in this world, no relatives, no nothing.His father was unconscious and his sister wasn't willing to set eyes on him. Adam suddenly felt the urge to use the toilet. A long moment of silence later, Adam heard the sound of something smashing in the ward. "Shit!" someone swore softly from w
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19: Underestimating His Capablilities!
By the time they were done searching the internet, it was already 11pm at night. Adam left to his bedroom, to get a shower.He sat at the table as he dried his hair, glancing through the documents he went through earlier today. A knock sounded on his door and Cleo came in. "You got a letter, I forgot to hand it over to you earlier.""From who?" Adam glanced up from the pile of documents in front of him. "There was only your name, no sender's name." She dropped it on the table and left. Adam gave the black envelope one look before immersing himself back into his work. .Adam arrived at work right on time the next morning, despite having only 3 hours of sleep, he felt very energized. He was able to finish up the auditing last night, and now he had substantial evidence that no accountant could refute! After dismissing his team for the morning, Adam headed straight to Richard's office to present the report to him."You're saying a total of 1 million and hundred thousand dollars hav
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Petition To Senior Walters!
Adam returned home to meet Cleo in a state of intense devotion to her work. He didn’t want to disturb her, so he left for his room to rest.In the middle of his rest, Cleo came banging down the door.Adam thought it was his sister, so he hurriedly opened the door, only to see Cleo’s smiling face. “I’ve just found a clue!”She looked very haggard, as though she hadn’t slept for days.But her eyes twinkled with excitement. Cleo dragged Adam to her workstation. “So I’ve discovered that Helen is the child of the director of Main-Gate hospital. She began to develop mental disorders when her mother died 5 years ago, she dropped out of university and her father had to employ nurses to come teach her at home, then she wrote final exams.""In university, Helen met a guy named Gerald who she fell in love with, but her father was against the union.”“What’s the point?” Adam kept nodding. "Gerald is using Helen’s identity to disguise as a nurse and sneak into the hospital!" Cleo clarified. "And
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