Mana Core
Isaac arrived at the goblin wizard’s corpse and was surprised a lone mosquito standing atop a big ball radiating energy. Isaac recognized the solitary mosquito from his aura alone and the gaze directed towards him when he made his appearance.

Without a doubt, he is the king.

The mysterious king that Isaac was curious to meet, the king that stood above all the mosquitoes, whose twisted personality naturally leaned on superiority. As he thought about how sophisticated mosquitoes he met were, Isaac couldn’t help but raise a thought.

‘Does the king like that as well?’

“Who permitted you to disturb me, Phantom?”

The king asked with a chilling tone.

‘How intimidating.’

Isaac was slightly perturbed but then regained his composure as he calmed his mind. He immediately acted like Phantom.

“Huh? My kin had been insisting on reporting me to you. Now that I’m here, why does it appear you are pissed? Did I offend you in some ways?”

Isaac’s tone was genuinely innocent, as though he wasn’t a
Prince Clover

Three biting times in a day, so nine biting times meant three days!

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