“When is your Christmas break, Ala?” Hunter asked; while they were on their way to school, he offered Alamid a ride since it’s been a while since they had talked. Both of them got busy.

“It starts next week, why? You have other plans for Christmas?” Ala said, still busy with his readings. This is his finals week, and he can’t seem to remember a thing about all the reviewers he sorts out.

“Do you want to spend Christmas at our family house? Matthew was inviting you and also a dad. They all wanted to meet you,”

Alamid put down his biscuit and looked at Hunter, “Isn’t it a family get-together? I mean, Christmas?”

“You’re a family now, Ala. We should join them; it’s been a while since I got to see my family since my mother died,”

“Well..” Alamid looked down, “What should I wear?”

The car filled with laughter. Hunter couldn’t stop, to the extent of tears escaping his eyes; he tried to wipe them and focus on driving. They talked about random things before Hunter dropped off Alamid at his sc
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