6| Having No Shelter

Malvinn immediately dodged to the side. His ears could hear the direction of the bullet very clearly. He stood stiffly at the side and didn't move at all. Malvinn looked disappointed and surprised because his target was actually shot by someone who had just come from behind him. The muzzle of the gun was now right next to Malvinn's ear.

Malvinn turned and realized Kay was already standing there. With his two pistols, he shoots Henry's men and leaves Henry for the last part.

"Malvin! You're always like that!" Kay protested. "You're having fun with them alone and ignoring me? I told you to wait until I came. I've only been on business for a while, and you've got them all with your sword?"

Malvinn just smirked and pulled away. He took a handkerchief from his back trouser pocket and wiped the bloody blade of his sword. As he took a cloth, a portrait fell from Malvinn's trouser pocket.

Malvin chuckled back. "Didn't you have fun with the girl?"

"Hah?" Kay surprise. "Weren't you the one who refused to look for the girl? You say it's troublesome to look for a kid all over this district."

Malvinn shrugged his shoulders as he re-sheathed his sword in medieval samurai style.

"Tch! You're acting a little too much, Malvinn."

"How? Have you cleaned up the girl?"

"Yeah, she said she used to peek at you through the window. She's also curious about the sword you're always holding."

Malvinn glanced coldly at Kay. "Your lying sucks, Kay!"

Just then, Henry tried to get up. He pressed down on his stomach, bleeding from Kay's previous shot. The man tries to crawl and escape from there.

Kay spun his gun and turned to Henry. "Looks like I haven't done this job in a long time. My fingers are getting stiffer. My target is so easy to miss."

"Yeah, Kay. You have to retrain your shooting skills. There's still one target you can try. Finish quickly!" said Malvinn as he turned away, leaving Kay looking excited with his two guns.

Henry started crawling in fright and glanced briefly at the portrait falling to the alley's floor. His face was pale, with blood dripping from the wound. He tried to run for safety, but Kay continued to tease him by playing with the gun and getting closer to Henry.

Outside the alley, there was the sound of footsteps running closer and closer. The soles of the shoes echoed down the silent dark hallway. The girl in the baseball cap was running around breathlessly to find the source of the gunshots she heard in the distance.

Just as Kay pointed the gun's muzzle at Henry's head, the girl in the baseball cap screamed and screamed. "Stop it!"


Kay didn't hear the girl's screams. He was deliberately unwilling to stop his efforts. One shot hit Henry in the thigh, rendering the man unable to walk and crawl. He was just kneeling on the wet and dark hallway floor.

The girl in the baseball cap looked at it all with wide eyes. Her body was shaking violently. She was furious and scared. She was angry at the circumstances, as well as mad at the Rogue Brothers.

"What are you doing?" she shouted until her back bent.

When Kay was about to fire his gun again, Henry suddenly shouted instead. "Wait! You guys are looking for the boy, right? You want it, right? Take him. I will give it to you for free. I did buy it at a pretty high price because of his craftsmanship, but I'll give it to you guys for free as long as you let me go."

Malvinn glanced at Kay.

"If you want the boy, take it! You can also take drugs." Henry tried to smile to ease the turmoil of his own fear.

Kay lowered the gun and stepped calmly toward Henry. Kay knelt before the man, who was covered in blood.

Kay whispered something into Henry's ear that no one else but the two of them heard.

"Since you are a newcomer here, I will convey the rules in this district. Listen carefully to my words!" Kay whispered the words very clearly in such a cold tone. "Everyone who sets foot in this district must obey the applicable rules."

Henry was shaking violently. He couldn't dodge the slightest bit of Kay's threat and his cold eyes.

"Bastards like you who like torturing children and women, then you are our perfect prey!" Kay smirked. "That's why you just give up!" Kay said as he stood straight and pointed the gun at Henry's head. “And she is a girl, not a boy!”


Malvinn grinned with his killer eyes. He was satisfied with the results of their work. Meanwhile, the girl in the baseball cap fell to her knees, shaking violently. She had never seen so much blood. She also never witnessed the massacre in person.

"Well, girl, you are free now!" said Kay when he saw the girl begin to crawl towards Henry's corpse. "I thought you were running away a long time ago. To think you're brave enough to come here instead. We already freed you."

The girl's breath hitched. Adrenaline was literally bubbling all over her body. The girl's eyes were empty and unlit. She was like a zombie who kept walking toward Henry's corpse.

The girl knelt beside Henry's corpse. She clutched her face, which was bruised and in pain. The more she cried, the more the pain throbbed from her face to her head.

"You guys actually killed him? You guys are so brave! After this, I have no place to take shelter. I have no more home to live in. Maybe I'll die by the roadside this winter." The girl lowered her head limply under the hat that covered her face.

Kay and Malvinn were taken aback by the girl's words. Not that she was happy, but instead wept for Henry's death. Kay turned to Malvinn and didn't know what to do.

In the next second, suddenly, the girl moved very fast according to her nickname, the owner of the "hand of god". She was used to pickpocketing and stealing anything from other people's bodies. This time, Kay was the target.

When Kay came to his senses, one of the guns he had holstered in his belt changed hands to the girl. The girl pointed a gun at Kay and Malvinn in turn.

The two men were shocked beyond play. They thought they had made the wrong move by keeping the girl alive.

"You!" shouted the girl with chest heaving. Her breath hitched. "Because of you, I now have to find a new shelter!" she said with trembling hands holding the gun and starting to pull the trigger.

Malvinn had already moved his right hand to the hilt of his sword. His left thumb had even snapped the blade handled and was ready to draw it.


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