Author's Note.

Good day everyone, it's just me checking in again.

I hope you all are enjoying the book so far, and I honestly appreciate your love and support so far.

Well, before we dive into the next chapter, I though we could just a stroll down memory lane and re-experience our best moments from the previous chapters and you can let me know your best moments down in the comment section.

"Your Honor, my client has already been sentenced…for twenty years, I really don't see any reaon we have to add to it." Marco's lawyer had been trying to convince the Judge that he didn't need any extra sentence…and Lucas's lawyer wasn't having any of it.


"Your Honor, the sentence given to Mr Platana was for his illegal businesses and not for his other crime. Right in front of our very eyes, he attacked an officer of the law, took forceful possession of his firearm and shot an innocent man."

"That was an accident."

"Maybe, but he intended to shoot and kill an innocent woman. Was that an accident as well?
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