Aidan surveyed the room that was once his mother's. The room itself screams money, the designs are simple but exquisite.

His mother must have loved his father to leave everything and go to him.


He sat down on the nearest cushion and relaxed his head.

His love life is nothing interesting and yet interesting.

When he got married to Arissa, things seemed to have fallen into place for once in his life, but it turns out everything was just an illusion.

Yeah... He was living an illusion. It is a wonder to him how they have the guts to think of killing him for something that's rightfully his.

His own company.

A smirk carved across his face.

Staying with the Pedros has revealed a lot more about them than he could comprehend.

The darn family painted a picture-perfect family to the public but nothing is going right with them.

Everything about the family is just wrong. They portrayed good images to the public through the media, and in reality... They are monsters, greedy monster
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