Chapter 29
"Have you guys never heard that it's bad to gossip?" someone said from behind. When both men turned around, they were startled. It was Remus.

Lotus Corp has just gotten their license and started their company today. How could he have the time to show up at the auction?

Remus sat behind them and concisely said, "You're Skylar Stuart, right? You should know speaking badly about others behind their backs is inappropriate. If you're clueless about that, I would advise you to take a look at your son!"

Hearing him mention this, Skylar was mad. The mark on his son's face was still there!

Then, Skylar laughed. "Mr. Cosby, how impressive. Even though it's the Lotus Corp's opening day, you still made it to the auction. You must be anxious to prove yourself to Miss Lotus!"

"Of course, a man should prioritize business!" Remus leaned back.

Everyone in the hall quieted down and had disdain in their eyes. How dare a scoundrel who got here purely out of luck talk about business? Elias frowned a
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