Vice president Connor McWilliams.

He is a hundred times more responsible than the sitting president and everyone knows this. If not for politics and godfatherism, he should have been the president.

He has been the only one who has been intentional about positive change in the country, the upright one who wouldn't sell his conscience for a gold coin.

It's not a surprise that Mister Conor has been missing a lot in the public eye and Duke hasn't seen or heard from him for a very long time.

Mister Conor calling right now has to be something important and at this moment, he wouldn't have taken the call of the president, but he will take that of Mister Conor.

He takes the phone from Bloom, who turns around and leaves the room.

Duke places the phone over his ear and strolls to the window.

" Duke Dawson. " He hears Mister Conor's familiar voice, it has been a long time.

" Good evening, Mister vice president. " He greets. " Sorry for the wait, I just came back from a trip and I was tak
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