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*** *** ***

Alina watched as everything around her turned to black instantly, like she was being pulled by a force much stronger than her.

"Help!" She screamed to Eleanor. She doesn't want to leave, not when things are a lot more different.

"Help!" she screamed, stretching her hands towards Eleanor who only stood, looking at her, loss on what to do.

To Eleanor, her own world was shaking,where Alina is calm and still on the bed, Eleanor was writhing in pain, she was being sucked into another world.

She knew none of this was real and that she met with an accident while convincing Alina to reveal herself to Ryan, but she expected to go to Heaven or hell or wherever it is, not here, where she is in between worlds, living her days like nothing ever happened to her.

Suddenly, Eleanor found herself in the body of her six years old self, the day her biological parents died.

Everything came as a rush to Alina, she was too weak to open her eyes but she could hear every sound in her surroundi
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