
Down stairs in the house something was burning in kitchen. John jogged down the stairs and ran to the kitchen .The food that he took his precious time to cook at least to make Lora happy has just got burned . "Damn " he uttered to his self .He cleaned up the kitchen and by the time he was done cleaning Lora came downstairs .She had a smile on her face and of course she changed her dress .She wore a Black baggy jeans and red shirt and packed her hair in a ponytail .

"Am so hungry " she said to John pouting like a baby.

"Sorry Angel the food I prepared got burned when we were up in your room ". Said john rubbing the back of his neck.

Lora understood the situation and if at all there is someone to blame for this , it will be her ." So what are we gonna do ?" asked her.

John smiled and said "I think maybe we should go out and eat. What do you think about the idea ? "

Lora felt happy finally she is going to go out of this boring House ,Atleast not every day she goes out because J
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