Chapter 2790
Ivy knew that Robert was only trying to be responsible by staying home with her, as he used to stay out with his friends until ten at night.

"Dad and the others should be back soon, right?" Ivy asked.

Once her parents were back, Robert would no longer have to stay with her all the time.

"They need to wait until Uncle Eric is discharged," he said, before covering his mouth. "We can't call him that anymore. He is going to be our brother-in-law."

"Have they started dating, then?" She asked.

The servant walked over and placed a bowl of soup in front of Robert. "It's freshly made. Try it."

Robert immediately picked up his spoon and took a sip. "Yeah. It's thicker."

"The onion and mushroom are cooked until they completely dissolved," the servant said. "This is your mother's favorite."

"Mushroom soup isn't that popular in Bridgedale, so Mom doesn't get to have great mushroom soup over there," Robert said. "Uncle Eric will be discharged soon, anyway, so Mom should be home soon."

"I th
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