Chapter 84
"I deeply apologize, Alonso. I take full responsibility for the fact that you were unable to speak with the Chairman upon his arrival, and Philip shamelessly exploited that opportunity," Perry expressed with sincere remorse as she listened to the account of what had transpired during the meeting.

Alonso remained motionless within his managerial office, reflecting upon the course of the meeting and contemplating the extent of the falsehoods Philip must have concocted about him, which undoubtedly influenced the Chairman's perception. The ramifications of this deceit must have been significant, causing considerable damage.

Following the incident involving Betty and Perry, Alonso escorted Perry to a secluded location outside the office, providing solace and comfort. It was a pivotal moment for Perry, where her emotions overflowed, and tears streamed down her face. Even during his previous persona as Orlando, Alonso had never witnessed Perry cry to such an extent as she did at that moment.

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