Drakon of the Seven Armies

36 ratings

Drakon of the Seven Armies

By: Maddy Taurus Updated just nowUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 2632 views: 299.6K

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For love, Isaac Garten was willing to take his wife’s last name and be a live-in son-in-law. However, he ended up as a death row inmate due to someone’s scheming. Seven years later, he comes home with the title of Drakon only to find his wife and daughter living in squalor and eating scraps. He swears to make all those who hurt his wife Allegra and daughter Bella pay for it! No one would upset his wife and daughter, Isaac vowed. If his daughter found the stars in the sky beautiful, then he would bring her on a space ship and pluck one out of the sky for her!

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To Readers

Drakon of the Seven Armies by Maddy Taurus is a thrilling Urban/Realistic novel that delves into a world of epic battles, ancient prophecies, and unyielding bravery. The story centers around Drakon, a formidable warrior with a mysterious past, who finds himself caught in the midst of a war between seven powerful armies. As the plot unfolds, alliances are formed, betrayals are uncovered, and destinies are entwined in a grand saga of power and redemption.


With 1334 chapters already released and an impressive 126.8 views, this novel has garnered a rating of 9.5 from 22 enthusiastic readers. The author's skillful storytelling and intricate world-building ensure a captivating reading experience that keeps you on the edge of your seat.


Step into the enchanting world of Drakon of the Seven Armies and embark on an unforgettable adventure filled with action, suspense, and unexpected twists. Don't miss out on this epic tale!

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  • Kaggwa


    The best I’ve read online, writer is incredibly top notch 🫡

    2024-07-12 14:46:49
  • Luis Sanabria Rodr


    por favor en traducirlo en español gracias

    2024-04-18 14:29:30
  • Luis Sanabria Rodr


    Para los que no sabemos inglés por favor que sea en español .

    2024-04-18 02:26:28
  • Lepen Ken


    great...can't sleep..lol

    2024-01-06 23:39:31
  • Humming Byrd


    Well done work

    2023-05-08 14:18:28
  • Damian Green


    be stuck at chapter 350 for awhile how long for an update

    2023-03-29 20:59:11
  • Ashmond Mili


    this book is a must read.. have fun pips.

    2023-03-14 07:13:29
  • Ashmond Mili


    this book is good

    2023-03-14 07:13:04
  • clinton_beck


    love the story so far, but need to up date faster. no new chapters in some time now.

    2023-03-11 17:22:29
  • Rosman Jaafar


    good novel

    2023-03-05 22:38:10
  • Hilary Silenga


    Where are the new chapters? Don’t tell me you’ve abandoned it..

    2023-01-31 21:23:45
  • Christopher


    This book is super intense and the plot is dynamic I got sucked in by the first chapter and have binge read it for the last 2 weeks everyday thank you

    2024-07-09 22:26:37
  • Christopher


    Book is amazing just wish is was completed and hope there is a sequel

    2024-07-09 22:19:26
  • Anup Man Pradhan


    I am enjoying the store.

    2024-07-08 08:39:39
  • Daniel Onajero


    superb story. Nathatia is no longer mention in this story for a long time.....

    2024-06-01 09:02:35
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2632 chapters
Chapter 1
A looming castle rose among a group of islands in the middle of the ocean. Aside from the castle, the islands were bare. Outside it stood a hundred-thousand-strong army, still as statues, their murderous intent was obvious. They were focused on the bronze gates, eyes burning with tears.The bronze gates slowly opened with a creak to reveal a tall, toned young man in a black windbreaker. His expression was cold and stately. Behind him was an obese man, around 6’5”, and seven grim-looking men and women dressed in black armor.The soldiers simultaneously saluted the man, letting out a deafening boom as their boots stomped on the ground. Isaac Garten held up his right hand to put them at ease.“When I came here seven years ago, I was nothing but a prisoner on death row. Now, the enemy has been defeated, and the world is at peace. It’s time for me to go home to my wife and child!” His voice was loud enough for every soldier to hear him, showing his resolution.He turned around to look a
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Chapter 2
Isaac couldn’t believe his eyes. The young woman whose every movement and smile had captured the hearts of the men around her was now skin and bones, and her eyes had lost their light. Her features were still as beautiful as before, but there was a horrific scar on her face. Isaac frowned. His voice was shaky as he asked, “Ally, w—what happened to you?”“W—who are you?” Allegra’s voice was shrill, and she looked agitated.“Me? I’m Isaac, your husband!” He hadn’t expected her to react like this.Chuck Gill got to his feet and roared, “You’re a fucking liar! Allegra’s husband died seven years ago. He’s a murderer who was sentenced to death! Do you even know where you are, you asshole? How dare you come here and beat me up!” He pulled his phone out.Isaac glared at him, his eyes turning red with rage. His murderous intent filled the washroom, making Chuck feel like he was suffocating. He staggered backward in fright and pointed at Isaac, stammering, “Y—you… what are you doing? I-I’m
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Chapter 3
Isaac walked in. He’d followed Allegra and Isabella back stealthily, careful that they wouldn’t notice him. Only when he heard Allegra’s cry did he hurry up, and he was surprised to hear Madam Fran’s audacious demand.“You’ve got guts, you asshole; I’ll give you that. I’ve been here for ten years now, and you’re the first person who’s had the balls to lay a finger on me.” Madam Fran pointed at him, looking infuriated.Allegra shielded Isabella and backed up against the wall. She knew Madam Fran was infamous for being a bully because her husband was a well-known gangster in these parts.Isaac silently walked toward Allegra and stood before her, staring down Madam Fran and the ruffians. He said coldly, “You have ten seconds to get out of my sight, or I’ll make you regret stepping foot in here.”Allegra looked at him with shock and disbelief.Madam Fran was truly infuriated now. She waved a hand and roared, “Get him! Beat him to a pulp!”Two of the four ruffians whipped out metal pi
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Chapter 4
Andrew came to a stop after running a few yards. He muttered to himself, “That good-for-nothing Isaac died long ago. This guy just looks like him; there’s no way they’re the same people.” He turned around and looked at Isaac, ignoring Allegra and Isabella. “Who are you? Do you even know where you are right now?”“Andrew, don’t tell me I have to report to you when returning to my own home.” Isaac narrowed his eyes and took a few steps forward.At this moment, a coquettish voice rang out from upstairs. “Who’s causing such a ruckus downstairs? Is it that widow and her daughter? How rude of them to make so much noise when coming to someone else’s home.”A young woman in a pink spaghetti-strap dress came downstairs, looking disdainful. She had a full face of makeup on, and her dress was sexy. When she got downstairs, she merely glanced at Isaac before focusing on Allegra and Isabella. Then, she shrieked, “Oh, my God! I can’t believe you stepped into the house in such filthy shoes!”She
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Chapter 5
Seven years back, Riverview was already the third most expensive neighborhood in Cloud City. The security here was one of the best in Cloud City, thanks to the neighborhood’s developer—the Merck family.The security guards smiled menacingly and pulled out their batons. One of them pointed at Isaac and said coldly, “You have five seconds to apologize to Madam Gould and Mr. Booth, brat. Otherwise, I’ll ensure you leave this place in a body bag.”“You? I wouldn’t be so confident.” Isaac flipped them off.Andrew laughed derisively. “Hey, asshole, this neighborhood belongs to the Merck family. Anyone who dares to cause a ruckus here will spend at least half a year in the hospital. If you get on your knees and apologize to me, I’ll consider forgiving you.”At this, the security guards shared a look, then roared and rushed toward Isaac with their batons raised. Andrew looked excited. He wanted to see Isaac grovel at his feet and beg for mercy. After all, he’d never seen anyone who’d dared
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Chapter 6
No one knew how much pain and suffering Allegra had been through the past seven years. Ever since the man she loved deeply had been sentenced to death, her life had taken a turn for the worse. Isaac’s words made her recall everything she’d gone through.“Mom, are you okay? Mom!” Andrew ran over to Margaret and helped her up. Blood was trickling from her nose and mouth, and her hair was mussed up. Her face was also swollen. She wept while pointing at Isaac and Allegra, shrieking furiously, “How dare you hit me! I won’t let you off the hook!”Isaac looked at her, his eyes red with fury. Then, he rushed at her, making her heart race as she trembled with fear. Suddenly, she felt cold all over. In just a few steps, Isaac stood before her, his hand tightening around her throat. It immediately cut off her air supply, and her eyes bulged in horror.“Not only do I have the nerve to lay a hand on you, but I also have the guts to kill you.” Isaac looked at her, his face void of emotion. At thi
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Chapter 7
Allegra’s lips twitched at his words, and she bit them to hide her shock. The receptionist was taken aback, thinking that she’d heard him wrong. “D—do you want Mr. C—Crowe to come to see you? May I know if you have an appointment with him?” Her attitude suddenly became extremely respectful. She thought Isaac was some big shot. After all, he dared to refer to Mr. Crowe by name and demand that he come to see him.“I’m sorry, but we don’t have an appointment. Is Mr. Crowe around?” Allegra said when she saw Isaac didn’t intend to respond.The receptionist was surprised by the difference between them. Then, she rolled her eyes and smiled mockingly at them, saying, “If you want to see Mr. Crowe, you must make an appointment a week in advance. And before you do that, you need to get a number at the front desk. The fee’s 15,000 dollars and you need to pay first.”Beefy Bob frowned and looked at Isaac, who said calmly, “Just tell him that Isaac Garten wants to see him. Money's not an issue a
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Chapter 8
George burst into laughter. “Damn, you’re an audacious one. Beacon Clinic has been in operation for over a decade, and our clients are bigwigs in business and politics. I dare you to break even a single vase here. If you do, I’ll make sure you spend the rest of your life in prison.”Seeing that things were getting out of hand, Allegra turned to Isaac with a frown. “Stop talking already. Let’s just go.” Then, she said to George, “Mr. Crowe, I’m so sorry about this. I don’t want you to treat me anymore, so please don’t be mad.” She bowed to him.George scoffed and gave her a sideways look. “At least you have some common—”“Trash this place!” Isaac cut him off. Beefy Bob immediately sprang into action, lunging at a large antique vase. He lifted it up easily and dropped it on the floor, shattering it. George was dumbfounded—the vase was worth more than a million dollars.Beefy Bob didn’t stop there, though. He grabbed a heavy wooden chair and smashed it on the floor, breaking it into p
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Chapter 9
George’s sneer became more pronounced. “I can’t believe the balls on you. Just wait. Let’s see whether you’ll still have the nerve to cause trouble at Beacon Clinic once you’ve been taught a lesson.”Isaac smiled. With his hands behind his back, he leisurely walked back over to the remaining sofa and sat down while giving Beefy Bob a look. The latter immediately knew what he wanted and pulled his phone out to make a call.Beacon Clinic had many employees—probably more than 20 doctors and nurses. None of them dared to utter a word at the sight of the trashed lobby. Especially the receptionist that had spoken to Isaac and Allegra upon their arrival. Her back was drenched with cold sweat, and she hunkered down in a corner, feeling terrified. Countless government officials and business bigwigs were George’s patients, yet Isaac didn’t seem to be bothered by it.The sirens stopped in front of Beacon Clinic, and four or five uniformed officials hurried in, looking stern. The one in the lea
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Chapter 10
Allegra hadn’t expected Isaac to show up so quickly. Once again, she wondered how he knew about this villa. Suddenly, she couldn’t help feeling afraid. She said to him, “Don’t come in. This has nothing to do with you.”Edward was dumbstruck. His eyes widened, and he took a step back, mumbling to himself, “How is this possible?” This guy looked just like Isaac!“Bastard, how dare you come here again! Do you think you can come and go as you please?” Andrew roared.This pulled Edward out of his reverie. He kept his eyes trained on Isaac and said coldly, “I don’t know where you came from, brat, but you need to apologize to my sister and nephew right now. If you can compensate us appropriately, I’ll consider letting you off easy.” Edward was sure that Isaac had been executed seven years ago. Back then, a friend of his had been working for the authorities, and he’d personally given Edward a call to tell him that he’d witnessed Isaac being taken to the execution site. He was sure the man b
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