Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy-Six

Washington DC

Judge knew that they wouldn't wish for that to happen at the moment and would wish to ensure that his wish was granted.

The men immediately whispered into the ears of one of the men that were. there at the moment to do what he had planned to do.

Marcus was still discussing with his children in his office when one of his men finally came in.

"Mr President, Judge is here and wants to speak to you, we refused that and he promised that he would make a noise of it if we don't do something about it immediately," The men warned.

"Okay let him in," Marcus said. Judge was let in and when he entered into Marcus office he couldn't control himself anymore.

"You bastard, you sent your ninjas and they made me unconscious and that's how you forcefully got the code from me," Judge said charging towards Marcus and Mark pointed his gun at him which made him have no choice but to stop.

"You have no idea, how I wish that the world can see that you are i
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