Chapter One-Hundred And Seventy-Five

"But one thing is that we have to be very careful because right now, Marcus would use his post as the president to try and find out about our location," Benson said.

"Yes, that's true, and we have to be careful," Samuel said. "Noted boss," Everyone said in unison.

"Right now, I think the best thing to do, is to close down the consortium," Samuel advised.

"Noted Dad," Benson said as he made some calls to ensure that was taken place.

"The fact that Marcus is our new

President doesn't mean he isn't going to ever attempt to still be involved in his criminal activities to achieve his goals and that's when we would finally be able to end him once and for all and I would do that task. I would finish what I should have done a long time, avenge your mother's death," Samuel said facing Benson.

"Noted," Benson said as he rose to think about the next information to pass across.

"So everyone listens, we stay low, right now, his next main objective is to start forcing the poli
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