Jackie & Big Jack: Chapter One-Hundred


Dante drove as though he meant to frighten her, in that peculiar fashion that she had seen people do in movies sometimes, when they meant to frighten their passengers into silence or verbosity. But he did not ask any more information of her, or her continued silence, which would have been unlikely. This left her to wonder what his endgame was.

Was his plan to orchestrate an accident? To kill them both?

He was intense, she granted him that. But he never appealed to her as suicidal.

'Dante, what are you doing?' She asked tentatively.

He kept his eyes on the road, never blinking. 'Is it not obvious?'

'You can stop the car. Stop the car, let's talk. It doesn't have to be this way.' She said. Now he looked at her. The rage that had returned had now dimmed in his eyes. Instead, there was only exhaustion. Soul-swallowing exhaustion.

'You know,' he told her, 'you were the one person in this world that I believed I could grow to trust. Really trust. The one person. And then you just h
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