Nana is dead

"I don't understand, who is dead?"


"How come?What happened?" Nicholas couldn't believe his ears.

"Nana is the name of the deceased,"

Nicholas stopped up, 'what's happening?' He thought, and sat back.

"Nana is the deceased?"

Officer Ben nodded his head.

"Who came to me then?,"

"I think you are talking about Nana sister,"

"Nana sister?"

"She is alive,her name is Mimi Nun"

"Mimi?That's a lie, Can I see a picture?" Nicholas asked.

"Sure" Officer Ben gave Nicholas his phone.

Nicholas searched for Mimi Nun on Google, Nana's picture was brought out.

He showed the officer" This is Nana,I'm sure"

"Search for Nana" Officer Ben said, sipping from his coffee.

At Mimi Biography, he saw that she was 21. He searched for Nana and her picture was brought out. It was a red-haired girl, there was news about her being dead and Nicholas being the killer, something caught his eyes, her age."She is seventeen?"

"Yes, Nana is underage"

He saw a picture of the two sisters with their name boldly writte
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