208: Begining Of The End

With an outstretched hand clutching a ringing phone, she tried to catch her breath, her voice filled with a mix of anticipation and concern.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry to interrupt, but the call is very urgent, and they have requested to speak to you immediately," she informed, her tone reflecting the urgency of the situation.

"An urgent call? This can't be ignored. I wonder who it could be and what it's about. I hope it doesn't hinder our progress with the investors. I need to handle this promptly and find out what's going on." Alina's thoughts rushed like a wind

Alina furrowed her brows as she absorbed the gravity of the message. "Who is it?" she inquired, her voice laced with a mixture of curiosity and concern.

"Why would someone call me with such urgency? It must be something significant. I can't help but wonder who it is and what they want. I need to find out more information to understand the situation." Her thoughts kept racing

"It's Mr. Raheem from Abu Dhabi," the assistant revealed, h
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