
18 ratings


By: Wednesday Adaire OngoingUrban/Realistic

Language: English

Chapters: 313 views: 156.4K

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Andrew had to endure the bad things in his life; being betrayed by his girlfriend, bullied, and living a miserable life since childhood. But, everything changed when his family's ancestral necklace give him power and revealed the true story.

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  • Wednesday Adaire


    Season 2 has started! daily update~~ ... Some chapters in season 1 also will be edited, get the information via updated chapters in season 2 (title and note) ...️...

    2024-06-28 19:55:28
  • Patty Oliver


    What is going on with the Chapters I was up to Chapters 200 and I am back at 141. What the heck. I guess I will have to shelf this book.

    2024-05-21 05:09:26
  • Orianti Hakamaji Chava


    I love this story so much

    2024-02-08 18:28:04
  • Brz 009


    cool book i've ever seen

    2024-02-08 14:10:02
  • Wahyu Pratama


    this story is good

    2023-06-30 20:19:12
  • Dave Johnson


    from Chapter 144 to 307 are repetitions from the first chapter to chapter 97. The author needs to fix the chapters.

    2024-03-05 05:02:46
  • Step Paces


    Chapters still repeat.

    2024-01-25 11:21:44
  • Ernesto Canchola


    Good read and hope the Author doesn’t disappoint us!!!

    2024-06-08 23:34:18
  • Daniel Isaac


    Good read, I hope the author doesn't disappoint.

    2024-03-01 21:29:33
  • Kelvin


    The best novel ever

    2024-01-16 04:00:13
  • Glenda Dawson


    now that the problems are fixed on changing my review back to five stars! thank you so much Wednesday Adair for fixing the problems with the editing! hyped to finish the book

    2023-11-20 13:35:06
  • Elago Abed


    This is a wonderful story. I really do enjoy it.

    2023-11-17 01:42:42
  • Adeleye Daniel


    It is an interesting one

    2023-11-03 20:39:19
  • Sarah Neuser


    What happened to chapters 135-154?? Chapters 135-151 are like a repeat of much earlier in the story and chapters 152-154 are just missing

    2023-10-16 02:53:47
  • Neil Corpuz


    great story

    2023-08-22 12:27:42
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Latest Chapter
313 chapters
Chapter 1
Andrew put down his work, and hurriedly entered the boss's office. A pen flew toward his head, and Andrew narrowly avoided it."Andrew, your salary is cut off. You won't get any single coin in the next six months."Andrew frozen in the place, "Sir, I didn’t do anything wrong.""Explain these videos!"Andrew's eyes widened when he saw dozens of rated videos plastered on his boss's computer screen."I asked you to send me the document, and you sent me THIS?! I almost sent them to the head of the company. You piece of s1t. No wonder you could only be a porter for the rest of your life!""Sir, this is clearly a mistake. I didn't put those videos in your files at all. I--.""Shut up, Andrew. You should be grateful you still have a job."Andrew could only lower his eyes and leave his boss's room with a feeling of tightness in him. His body felt limp, his heart pounding. He actually got dumped for one reason he never did.He didn't know how to tell his girlfriend this news."Why now?" Andrew
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Chapter 2
"Ugh!" Andrew jolted, his eyes snapped open. He looked around and the bloodstains on the walls reminded him of the altercation with Orlando. Strangely, Andrew didn't feel any pain in his body. In fact, he felt much fresher now. His hand reached for his head, still leaving traces of blood. But the wound has healed. "Shit. How is this even possible? I thought I was badly hurt." As if disbelieving the situation he found himself in, Andrew rose and approached the mirror in the corner of the room. "I'm okay. But... Where's my necklace?" Andrew felt his neck, and the necklace that had been with him for almost 20 years was gone. He had no idea that the heirloom necklace from his family was what gave him the power to be reborn. "Oh no, I lost the necklace from my great-grandmother. Argh! Everything I had is gone!" However, the bloodstains on the walls and his body that felt so different slowly brought Andrew to memories of decades ago, to be precise just before his grandpa died. “Andr
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Chapter 3
Andrew walked wearily as the elevator doors opened on the third floor. He let out a long sigh, resigned to the decision given by the director."Attention!"Andrew, who was packing his office desk, turned toward the source of the voice and found Orlando and Nadine standing by the elevator doors."Everyone, just stop your work for a moment. Let's give some time to our friend Andrew who has been fired from this company because of stealing. "Hearing the announcement, all the employees on the third floor buzzed with excitement. Andrew became the center of attention. All the scornful gazes were directed toward him.The anger building up finally propelled Andrew to move closer to Orlando. His steps were quick, and while pointing at Orlando, Andrew shouted, "Shut up, you coward!"Andrew glared at Orlando and Nadine alternately, his face red as he continued, "You're nothing more than the trash, Orlando. Your dirty plays won't intimidate me. I'll return to make you regret.""Hahaha! Aren't you
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Chapter 4
The chuckles from the employees could still be heard. The silly things that happened to Orlando wasn't merely a coincidence.Behind his folded hands, Andrew had flicked his finger. The power he derived from the necklace made him realize he could quickly silence Orlando's actions."Ugh!"Orlando rose from his position and pointed at all the laughing employees. "Delete all the recordings you made, or you'll end up like Andrew!"All the phones in the hands of the employees suddenly dropped, and their expressions turned panicked due to Orlando's threat."I will sue you!" Orlando pointed at Andrew with a trembling hand, overcome with anger."On what grounds do you want to sue me? Because you fell and kissed my foot?" Andrew said, "Just admit it, Nadine only wants your money; I'm sure she wouldn't even look at you if you were poor like me. "Andrew's words ignited emotions within Nadine. She approached her ex-boyfriend and slapped him across the face."Watch your words, Andrew! I've been un
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Chapter 5
Andrew only furrowed his brow and gave a cynical look to the man. His right hand continued pressing the old man's jaw, while his other hand now rubbed the chest.The seemingly absurd action then brought about a miracle. The old man's eyes suddenly opened, and he began breathing rapidly."Hey, he did it! He saved the old man!"Applause filled the air, directed at Andrew. Everyone seemed amazed by the miracle that had occurred for the old man. Andrew extended his hand before the old man and said, "Come on, Sir, let me help you stand, and we can find shelter over there."The old man smiled and nodded. His frail hand reached out to grasp Andrew's hand. Andrew supported his body towards the bench where he had previously placed his belongings."Ah, please have a seat. How do you feel now, Sir?"The old man looked at Andrew with teary eyes and said, "Thank you for saving me. I believe that if you weren't here, I might have met my ancestors in heck.""Don't mention it. I just happened to be a
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Chapter 6
The sunlight streaming through the window in Andrew's room didn't wake him up. It was already eleven in the morning, and Andrew had been sleeping soundly since the previous evening. In fact, this could be considered the first time Andrew had gotten such a long and uninterrupted sleep. However, the ringing of his phone eventually forced Andrew to leave his slumber. His still-red eyes scanned the room for the phone, which was on the bedside table. "Erica?" His younger sister's name appeared on the caller ID, and Andrew quickly answered the call. "Andrew! Hi! Why did it take you so long to answer my call? By the way, I miss you, so I visited your office. I forgot which floor you're on, but I'll wait for you in the cafeteria, okay!" "Erica--" Before Andrew could respond, his sister had already ended the call. Immediately, Andrew got up and hurriedly left the room to meet Erica. Luckily, the clothes he wore yesterday were still decent enough to be worn outside. "This is bad. If she f
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Chapter 7
"I said, my body is too valuable to sleep with a whore like your sister."Orlando appeared to chuckle, while Andrew, unable to contain his anger any longer, was about to throw a punch at Orlando.However, just before it landed on Orlando's face, Erica screamed, "Stop!"The girl in the red shirt approached Andrew and hugged him tightly from behind. This prompted Andrew to release his grip on Orlando's collar and embrace Erica to calm her down."Don't do anything, Andrew. I beg you. Don't jeopardize your position," Erica whispered.Orlando and Nadine had sinister grins on their faces. Orlando, in particular, remained confident because they were in his father's company. He believed that would protect him from Andrew's attack. As long as they were in his territory, Orlando thought Andrew wouldn't dare to touch him."What your sister said is true, Andrew. You'd better watch your attitude. You might end up without a job in this city. You should understand the power of my family, what we can
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Chapter 8
"What do you mean, And--"The punch could no longer be avoided. Andrew brutally and repeatedly struck Orlando's face."I'll make sure you die, Orlando! Scumbag!""KYAA! Help!" Nadine screamed, calling for security to stop Andrew.The fight suddenly became its own entertainment for the employees. Instead of separating the two men, they pulled out their phones and started recording."I support you, Andrew!""Andrew is once again providing an interesting entertainment!""It seems like Orlando won't be able to defeat Andrew!"The whispers from the employees only fueled Andrew's madness. His face now had a smile as he watched blood flowing from Orlando's nose.Meanwhile, Erica could only cry as she tried to pull her brother's body. But it was all in vain. Andrew was consumed by his anger and the desire to silence Orlando."Hey, stop it! What are you doing there, disperse!"A man shouted from the hall, suddenly causing the employees who were watching the altercation to scatter in a hurry. H
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Chapter 9
"Mr. Andrew, I apologize, but we will soon arrive at Mr. William's residence."The voice of the black-suited man who picked them up woke Andrew and Erica. They had fallen asleep after traveling for nearly an hour and a half."Where are we going, Andrew?" Erica asked."Shh, just be quiet. I don't know either, but one thing's for sure, you don't need to worry because I will always protect you."Andrew chose to remain silent and not ask many questions to the black-suited man who was taking him. One thing he knew was that they were clearly far from the city center. In fact, they were surrounded by dense forests, and the quiet roads led Andrew to speculate that they were heading eastward."Look at that!" Erica nudged Andrew and pointed to the window beside her.A magnificent mansion with towering black gates appeared among the trees. Andrew was quite amazed by the sight. Their car followed the road leading to the mansion.Shortly after, the car came to a complete stop in front of the gate
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Chapter 10
"From the expression you're giving, it seems you're quite interested in my request. Maybe you don't want to accept money, but I will give you something that you truly need if you succeed in healing me." Andrew pondered for a moment. He then saw this as a good opportunity to fix his chaotic life. "Yeah, I know what you mean. Your offer sounds quite intriguing." "Then, I guess we've reached an agreement. So, how about it? Do you want to do it now?" "Before that, I want to know, how do you know that I can save you?" Andrew asked. "I didn't have a heart attack, Andrew. And I know you understand that. It was only you who could suddenly replenish the oxygen that vanished yesterday. If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have called you here." Andrew nodded, then said, "Yes, I didn't perform CPR as others would have wanted. I just tried to 'revive' your fading pulse." "And I hope this time you truly revive it, so it will never die again." "I'm saving you, Sir, not making you immortal." An
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