Chapter 69

Chapter 69

“Why did you try to be friends with me in the first place? You didn’t want anything to do with me. I can remember how you made me go on that date with you. You were literally begging me.”

He was furious, she wasn’t even showing signs of remorse. Her intentions were showing clearly on her face, how heartless and selfish she was.

Her kind face was now dark. Lorenzo felt like he was seeing her deeds on her face. They were hidden, that was why he never saw them. It is better to say she was hiding them.

He had never met someone that was so pretentious. Hazel’s family never hid their hate from him, this was pretty different to him.

“Do you know the extent I go when I want something? Mind you, Michael and I had not broken up officially at the time he was seeing your wife, I planned to take you to make him jealous.”

All Lorenzo could see was her pathetic face and the pathetic words flying out of her mouth. She was talking with pride and a sense of accomplishment.

He should have j
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