A F*cking Troublemaker! (2)

The owner of the gold token is named Abel Cyrill. He is the second son in the Cyrill Family; a large family that was one of the most famous four star families in the Asmovius Kingdom. In fact, the Cyrill Family is one of the distinguished guests at the joint training event to be held tomorrow.

Abel is someone who has a bad personality. He hates those who are better than him, to the point where he wants to destroy them, so that he has a chance to surpass them even if it means using the dirtiest means.

Moreover, seeing a kid tutoring someone far above him, how could he not feel irritated about it? Is that kid so great that he can lead an adult to enlightenment? Abel could not accept this! The thought of destroying Lein immediately burned in his heart.

He then approached the two along with several students who were silver token holders. That sight was the same as that of a big mobster who had come to a small company with bad intentions along with his few accomplices.

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