39. Reunited (Part II)

when he and his father had come home from a hunt. He would throw all his cares away and flutter into her arms. He felt so safe in her embrace. She had always been his source of comfort.

Chief Mbada had what looked like an uncomfortable frown on his face. Nothing had changed about him whatsoever, besides a few wrinkles of age. From his threatening physique to that same smell of arrogance that would sting anyone’s nose when they were in his presence, all were still intact. Behind him were Ngoni and Bhonzo, his bodyguards. As a child, Brahmuhn had seen them as gigantic deities, but all he saw now were two jokes with different complexions.

‘Well, well, well. If it isn’t the “Great And Mighty Brahmuhn”,’ Chief Mbada chuckled. Even with age, his voice had not changed either but gained more boldness. ‘Brahmuhn, the “mermaid slayer”, the “nightmare of zvidhoma”,’ he chuckled some more. ‘Let me not bore y
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