75: Yuri's gift

Conor hoped the next few months of winter would pass uneventfully as people kept inside to avoid the bitter cold.  Yuri came by one afternoon from NewAge all excited about the new system they were preparing to launch and even set up the prototype console at Conor’s new house. When he saw the large blank wall, Yuri insisted on taking him shopping for a TV with his latest bonus check from NewAge.

            “Conor, you are the one who enabled me and my mom to have these amazing jobs. Besides, I want someone to play my newest game with. It’s going to be a huge hit, but obviously, I cannot share it with anyone outside NewAge. Thankfully, you are one of the owners! So, let me do this!”

Drew Archeron

Dear readers, I hope you are enjoying the tale so far! We are about to make a big shift in the story as winter in Jinstain, Bayan Province takes the back burner. I hope you enjoy a period of focusing on some of our other cast members and start to see some of them in a new light. Please remember the best ways to show your appreciation for this novel is to leave a quick review, share the link with friends, and if you really love the book, consider leaving a gem! Thank you all for reading this far and I look forward to continuing this tale with you!

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