Part 2 - Chapter 12: The New Home

Later that day, Kerrigan and Evelynn pulled through the gated entrance to the address Anna had provided. The community guard waved them through without much of a fuss after they simply mentioned meeting Anna Brooks.

“House is in the back. It has its own street, so its hard to miss.”

This entrance led to a series of large homes that had been built some time ago. A new section of the neighborhood was being created and would likely connect to this section within the year. Evelynn drove them to the back of the neighborhood where a narrow paved lane ended with a long driveway. There had been two homes on the corner flanking this private street, but this property felt set aside, separate from the larger neighborhood. No one should be on this private street unless they were visiting the home at the end.

Kerrigan let Faolan out of the car first and spotted Anna coming down the drive toward them.

“Ah, good you found it without too much trouble. Being tucked back in here I thought you migh
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