In Andrew's old house, things remained the same. His mother was always upset about everything and she was always talking nonsense. And since there was no Andrew now, she limited herself to threatening her husband.

“Go take out the garbage before I decide to throw your breakfast down the drain”

“But I'm resting. I can't even do that at the weekend?”

“I won't speak again. When I leave the kitchen, let you know there's no more breakfast for you”

Andrew's stepdad got up and went to the kitchen to take out the black organic garbage bag and take it to the bin closest to the house. There were some of the past men who belonged to the factions and were organizing themselves to start making the monthly collections. Andrew's stepdad threw out the garbage and ran into the house, because he wanted to avoid being stopped by those people. He let his wife handle matters like that. Before closing the door, he was still peeking to see the movements that followed outside.

He wanted to make sure no one h
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