Chapter 29: Aarav's Burning Ambition

Aarav doesn't know why everywhere he meets Ella. It was as if when he was trying to avoid Ella, at that time Aarav was being reunited repeatedly by the Northlay Family.

Now, after Ella shook hands with Edward who knew her, Ella fixed her eyes on Aarav. There was nothing Aarav could say as long as he saw where Ella was in front of him now.

"I didn't think that we would meet here again," said the current Ella ... for some reason her face even looked shy at Aarav.

Aarav doesn't say anything. Instantly the atmosphere that was originally relaxed became tense and full of awkwardness.

No one dared say anything, including Watson and Darius. They both know that Ella is Aarav's ex-wife, while Edward knows that Aarav was once part of the Northlay family.

On the other hand Aarav sighs heavily. Unable to say anything now, especially in the position of being in the presence of important company people, Aarav finally bowed to Watson and Edward. Signaling goodbye to the both of them.

Luckily Watson a
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