Chapter 114

Chapter 114

Shawn had his eyes on the door now. There were only two things that would be if all he thought of truly happened. One was that he was going to see himself in jail sooner than he expected, or just maybe he was in some serious trouble.

Ava took the bold step to twist the doorknob as she opened it. She poked her face slowly through the little space she had created, checking to see who knocked on the door and what they wanted.

"Bring the boy out… we need to take him with us now!" They ordered, and Shawn could feel the anger and authority in their voice.

"Who are you talking about? We do not know who you mean, we have not heard that name around here before," Ava said to them with a glare, showing them that she was not afraid of them or the guns they carried around in the name of security.

"Are you sure you are telling us the truth? We need to know the truth and as citizens you need to be truthful else you will face the law," the officer who stood before Ava lectured her.

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