Chapter 115

Chapter 115

Mike's return from the president's office to the yard had caused a lot of problems and had brought so much trouble to him. He had not been told by anyone that he wasn't supposed to get any information from the president because whatever he was going to promise to give was just a scam… it wasn't real.

He was not the kind of person who kept to his word, and if Mike had known this, for sure he would not have shaken hands with him. He, for sure, had made a huge blunder on his part.

All eyes were on Mike and Leah now. Everyone had their eyes and ears on him just in case he had reasons to be suspected of anything. The men who stayed in the prison longer than Mike did have given an order to the rest of the guys in the prison to watch out for him… when Mike's bunkmate was no exception to this.

It had been a few weeks now, and nothing had been mentioned to Shawn by anyone. Plans had been made to escape prison in 4 months when the digging was going to be completed but Mike this tim
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