33. Zana Reveals Something New

Zana was let out by her math teacher to meet Detective Anna, who was waiting for her in front of the classroom. This was a good thing for her. For a moment, she was free from the headache-inducing lessons, plus she was currently unable to focus. It would be better if she did get out of the classroom. In fact, hearing that Detective Anna wanted to talk to her made her feel excited.

Zana immediately knew what Detective Anna wanted to discuss with her. It was too obvious. Hilda was a topic that was bound to come up. There were many things she wanted to tell Detective Anna about Hilda.

Now, Detective Anna sat across from Zana in the hall. A quiet place was the main thing that was needed. Zana asked for it because this way she felt much better, another reason was because she didn't want anyone to hear what she was going to say to the detective.

"I really need to talk to you," Zana said seriously. "Even if you didn't intend to see me, I would have come to you, detective."

"Yeah, I'm sure yo
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